***** PLATINUM *****
Bryan was the only face left they can put in a main event program
- cena is out
- no one wants to see punk in the main event again
if they truly had faith in Bryan they would've left him get a run with the title while he's getting the biggest face reactions since the attitude era
There's always money on he baby face chasing the title BUT
he's not.
It's clearly evident the Mcmahons know Orton won't draw a rating and judging by triple h's ratings comment the Mcmahons are there because they think they're draws
The problem is Vincent is the only family member that ever drew.
unless the plan is to get HBK involved with Bryan in a much anticipated storyline, this angle is just a McMahon ego insertion because they have no faith in anyone else while Cena is gone, leading us through to the Rumble
More to be discussed on the TSC podcast
- cena is out
- no one wants to see punk in the main event again
if they truly had faith in Bryan they would've left him get a run with the title while he's getting the biggest face reactions since the attitude era
There's always money on he baby face chasing the title BUT
he's not.
It's clearly evident the Mcmahons know Orton won't draw a rating and judging by triple h's ratings comment the Mcmahons are there because they think they're draws
The problem is Vincent is the only family member that ever drew.
unless the plan is to get HBK involved with Bryan in a much anticipated storyline, this angle is just a McMahon ego insertion because they have no faith in anyone else while Cena is gone, leading us through to the Rumble
More to be discussed on the TSC podcast