i keep up with the developments in AI tech the best i can.
i am familiar with the simulation theory as well.
if this thread ends up with you telling me that i am in the matrix or a character in "The Sims 4,827" then i'm gonna punch out.
cut to the chase.
Naw, not really...
There are creators and there are created.
There isn't a God in the sky, God is the planet, sun, and universe. Black people weren't created, we created ourselves as we come from this planet. Realise when I say black people, I'm not specifically referring too "us" in present day. We are watered down versions of original black people. And some of us actually are amongst the created. Though we all have the essence of God in us, basically we are God.
What happens when a God gets tired of being God and wants to experience life as a flesh and blood human? Our ancestors are "the Sons of God". The Sons of God were our mostly physical manifestation on Earth.
We created white people...and the Sons of God saw the daughters of men and took them for wives...pawging.
We ceased being fully spiritual and became mostly flesh and blood to get in on the party.
Back to the more important stuff...