The Third date!!!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
By popular demand I will share more knowledge

After you delete her number after the first date, she finally cracks because your a man of value and then hits you up which leads to the second date in which after you don't contact her for a week :obama:

On that day you wake up and send a message, "wow I just woke up and was thinking about our date last week and it brought a smile to my face"

Now this conveys to her gullible mind that you were thinking of her and she makes you happy :jawalrus:

she will text her best girlfriends like what should i do? texts of that nygga is worthless and hes a playa may come from their mouths or you go girl he's got a good job, a car and any ways because of those two great dates and her surging dopamine levels she will reply maybe after a hour or two.

Now you can go in for the kill and be like my phone's about to die, on my way to work forgot my charger at home i'll be at so and so at 8pm see you then bye.

this leaves her in a predicatment your phone is dead she can't say no, even if she has plans to bad

up next after the third date :heh:




Jun 19, 2012
So after she's taken you back after paralyzing her from the neck down it's time for the next test. Offer to take her to your house to have dinner. Make it a special evening filled with fine wine and lasanga.

Pour out a glass of wine for her but before you give it to her sprinkle a little molly in it while she not looking. Give it to her and wait for it to kick in. After she's knocked out you're free to have your way with her now and she won't even know. Do all the things you've wanted to do with her but make sure she's in your bed with you when she wakes up.

She'll ask how she got there and you then ask her if she forgot that she wanted to spend the night. If she calls you crazy and tries to scream just tape her mouth up and throw her in the basement, she's paralyzed from the neck down so she can't escape. If she believes you then it's on to the 4th date :demonic:.


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
So after she's taken you back after paralyzing her from the neck down it's time for the next test. Offer to take her to your house to have dinner. Make it a special evening filled with fine wine and lasanga.

Pour out a glass of wine for her but before you give it to her sprinkle a little molly in it while she not looking. Give it to her and wait for it to kick in. After she's knocked out you're free to have your way with her now and she won't even know. Do all the things you've wanted to do with her but make sure she's in your bed with you when she wakes up.

She'll ask how she got there and you then ask her if she forgot that she wanted to spend the night. If she calls you crazy and tries to scream just tape her mouth up and throw her in the basement, she's paralyzed from the neck down so she can't escape. If she believes you then it's on to the 4th date :demonic:.

How'd this meme turn from stupid dating advice in to date rape? :heh: