The source of Superman's power vs. the source of his weakness doesn't make sense.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
He draws his power from a "yellow sun"

Well for one, most stars are made up of the same elements, hydrogen and helium. A stars color simply indicates temperature. Red being the coolest and blue being the hottest. Basically at some point Kypton's star was yellow.

But I can get past that. It takes billions of years for stars to burn out. Maybe at some point when Krypton had a yellow sun, everyone would've had powers.

What I can't get past is Kryptonite. If anything, that should've been the source of his powers, and not the Sun. Or at a minimum a combination of the two.

Basically Superman gets his powers from electromagnetic radiation emitted from the sun that is a specific temperature. Kryptonite is supposed to be a mineral that emits radiation as well and thus counteracts the radiation from....... A STAR. Basically Kryptonite is sunscreen.

Also, Superman and Godzilla both get their powers from nuclear radiation :hubie: