The Russian government’s insistence on Rebels CW use on fringe of serious debate


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The Russian government’s insistence that chemical weapons were used by rebel forces now places it on the fringes of a serious debate.

Syria’s Chemical Weapons: The Russia Factor
September 26, 2013
Carroll Bogert
Published in:
Vedomosti (in Russian)
Russian diplomacy has dramatically changed the trajectory of Western response to the Syria crisis and put the Kremlin at the center of international negotiations to control Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal. But the Russian government’s insistence that chemical weapons were used by rebel forces now places it on the fringes of a serious debate over what to do next to end the atrocities in that embattled country.

In his op-ed for the New York Times, President Putin made the case for pursuing diplomacy over military strikes in Syria. He also wrote that there is “every reason to believe” the attack was carried out by opposition forces to provoke a Western military intervention.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has continued to claim that the “obscure case of the August 21” attack was “clearly fabricated.” Last week in Damascus, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov announced that Russia would be analyzing new “evidence” from the Syrian government that exonerates their forces for the attack.

Syrian opposition forces are indeed responsible for serious crimes in their conduct of war, including attacks against civilians, summary executions, kidnappings, torture, and other abuses. They include extremist Islamist elements that should be of real concern. But they are not responsible for the August 21 chemical weapons attack, and a review of the evidence demonstrates that.

The United Nations inspection team remains the only independent group to have accessed the site of the attacks. When US military strikes against Syria appeared imminent, Russian diplomats urged the world to wait for the UN inspectors’ report. But now that the report points clearly to Syrian government responsibility for the attack, the same officials are dismissing it as “politicized,” ”biased,” and “one-sided.”

UN inspectors were able to visit sites and interview victims and eyewitnesses, but it was not within their mandate to state explicitly who they thought was responsible. But they have provided substantial evidence of Syrian government responsibility, and that evidence is backed up by a 21-page research report by Human Rights Watch, an independent, nongovernmental organization.

We analyzed witness accounts of the rocket attacks, information on the likely source of the attacks, the physical remnants of the weapon systems used, and the medical symptoms exhibited by the victims as documented by medical staff. Using this information, Human Rights Watch’s expert arms team, specialized in the identification of weapons and munitions used in conflicts around the world, made detailed reconstructions of the weapons used, and consulted internationally respected experts to analyze the symptoms shown by those sickened in the attack.

Human Rights Watch is headquartered in New York, but a visit to our website at will easily show that we are often vehement critics of US foreign policy and have more than a 30-year track record of documenting and criticizing US government violations of human rights at home. Contrary to some Russian media reports, we have not taken a position favoring US military strikes in Syria. But we have published dozens of reports, briefing papers, and extended press releases in the two and a half years since the Arab Uprisings spread to Syria, beginning as a protest movement against the authoritarian government and now morphing into a devastating civil war. We have reported on violations of international humanitarian law by both sides

Everyone agrees that the August 21 attacks took place at two sites 16 kilometers apart. They were caused by surface-to-surface rockets, not on-the-ground explosions.

The UN inspectors, as well as Human Rights Watch, identified two systems that launched the rockets carrying Sarin into Ghouta. Both systems are known to be in the arsenal of the Syrian armed forces. One system launches 330mm rockets-most likely Syrian produced- from truck-mounted launchers, each rocket carrying canisters of 50 to 60 liters of Sarin, while the second uses Soviet-produced 140mm rockets with a smaller Sarin warhead. These launching systems and their rockets have never been seen in rebel hands.

Meanwhile, the amount of Sarin used in the attack – many hundreds of kilograms, according to Human Rights Watch’s calculations – also indicates government responsibility for the attack. Opposition forces have never been known to be in possession of such significant amounts of Sarin, if any.

Some members of the Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra have been indicted in Turkey for trying to acquire chemicals with the intent to produce Sarin. That is indeed a worrying development, but irrelevant to the question of responsibility for the August 21 attack, which involved hundreds of liters of military-grade Sarin, not small quantities of home-made Sarin. This was not a chemical attack cooked up by opposition forces in some underground kitchen.

In appendix 5 of the UN report, after describing the two rocket systems used in the attack, the inspectors go one step further and actually reveal the trajectory of some of the rockets. Using standard field investigative techniques, examining the debris field and impact area where the rockets struck, the report provides precise azimuths, or angular measurements, that allow us to work out the actual trajectory of the rockets.

The two attack locations are located 16 kilometers apart. According to declassified reference guides, the 140mm artillery rocket launched into Moadamiya (described by the UN as “impact site number 1”) has a minimum range of 3.8 kilometers and a maximum range of 9.8 kilometers. Meanwhile, a well-known military base of the Republican Guard’s 104th Brigade is approximately 9.5 kilometers from Moadamiya.

We don’t know the firing range for the second type of rocket used, the 330mm rocket that hit Ein Tarma (impact site number 4). But that site is 9.6 kilometers away from the main Republican Guard base in Damascus, well within range of most rocket systems.

Click to enlarge map


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Meanwhile, what is the evidence that opposition forces are responsible for the attack? Russian diplomats have called into question the timing of the posted videos of the attacks. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Aleksandr Lukashevich has said opposition activists uploaded the first YouTube videos of the victims on August 20, one day before the “so-called attack.” What he overlooked is that all videos uploaded on YouTube are date-stamped for Pacific Standard Time, 10 hours behind Syria. So any video uploaded before 10 am Syrian time would have been date-stamped August 20. And the attacks occurred in the the early hours of August 21.

Russian diplomats often cite “experts” who are not expert at all. Foreign Minister Lavrov has relied upon a “nun from a local convent,” Mother Agnès-Mariam de la-Croix of the St. James Monastry in Qara, Syria. She has previously spread false stories seeking to deflect blame from the government for earlier crimes, such as the Houla massacre, which has been investigated by several independent observers (including the UN Commission of Inquiry and Human Rights Watch). But Mother Agnès does not have direct knowledge of the Ghouta attack. Her convent is located some 100 kilometers from the attack sites. She does not have military expertise and has not visited the site or examined the remains.

Lavrov has also cited 12 retired officers from the US Defense Department who claimed the Ghouta attack was fabricated. Their group has advanced the theory that “some canisters containing chemical agent were brought into a suburb of Damascus, where they were then opened.” But Sarin is not a “gas” contained in canisters that can accidentally explode or be immediately dispersed. In its natural state, Sarin is a liquid, which must be vaporized to function effectively as a chemical weapon agent (of course, exposure to liquid Sarin would be deadly as well, but the vaporized Sarin is dispersed over a larger area). These retired officers also reject the notion that rockets were used in the attack, but they provide no evidence, simply quoting “the most reliable intelligence sources.” That can hardly trump the report by the independent UN team that visited the site.

A good deal of “evidence” is clearly fabricated. For example, a series of grainy short videos suddenly appeared on the day of the release of the UN report, from a new account that had not uploaded such videos before (we monitor all such accounts closely). It claimed to show Islamist fighters from Liwa al-Islam firing the very rockets identified by Human Rights Watch and the UN experts. The videos bear all the hallmarks of an amateur attempt to deflect responsibility from the Syrian government: the rockets are conveniently draped with Islamist flags and emblems identifying the Liwa al-Islam group, something not seen in other videos circulated by the group. Most significantly, the weapon filmed in the videos isn’t associated with the chemical weapons attack: it is a D-30 howitzer, which is not a weapon capable of firing 140mm or 330mm rockets.

The United States and its intelligence agencies suffer from a serious credibility gap when it comes to reporting on weapons of mass destruction, thanks to the false and misleading claims made in 2003 regarding the extent of Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction programs. That information, used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq, turned out to be wrong.

That does not mean the US government is necessarily wrong when it accuses the Syrian government of these attacks. The evidence must be examined carefully and weighed. Russian diplomacy at this critical moment must be conducted on the basis of verified evidence.

Energetic and fact-based Russian diplomacy could contribute positively to the Syria crisis. The first step would be to recognize that Syrian government forces carried out the chemical weapons attacks of August 21 and refocus international efforts to ensure that chemical weapons stocks are put under international control and destroyed.

Russia should also call for accountability for the perpetrators. A chemical weapons attack is a war crime and may be a crime against humanity, and such serious crimes should never go unpunished. Russia should insist on the UN Security Council referring Syria to the International Criminal Court.

The ICC would have the authority to investigate serious crimes by both sides. Given the overwhelming evidence of government responsibility, Russia should not have a shred of doubt about who committed the August 21 attack. But if it still does, why not let international legal authorities assign the blame?


Jul 17, 2013
what about the using chemical weapons on the ppl of iraq...
first looking for weapons of mass destruction, then trying to free them from a dictator then using chemical weapons on them...

Jun 24, 2012
5 Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack

September 17, 2013 (Tony Cartalucci) - As predicted days before the UN's Syrian chemical weapons report was made public, the West has begun spinning the findings to bolster their faltering narrative regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks on August 21, 2013 in eastern Damascus, Syria. The goal of course, is to continue demonizing the Syrian government while simultaneously sabotaging a recent Syrian-Russian deal to have Syria's chemical weapon stockpiles verified and disarmed by independent observers.
A barrage of suspiciously worded headlines attempt to link in the mind of unobservant readers the UN's "confirmation" of chemical weapons use in Syria and Western claims that it was the Syrian government who used them. Additionally, the US, British, and French governments have quickly assembled a list of fabrications designed to spin the UN report to bolster their still-unsubstantiated accusations against the Syrian government.
The BBC's article, "US and UK insist UN chemicals report 'blames Syria'," again states unequivocally, [emphasis added]:
The UN report did not attribute blame for the attack, as that was not part of its remit.
However, that did not stop UK Foreign Secretary William Hague who claimed:
From the wealth of technical detail in the report - including on the scale of the attack, the consistency of sample test results from separate laboratories, witness statements, and information on the munitions used and their trajectories - it is abundantly clear that the Syrian regime is the only party that could have been responsible. And US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power who stated:
The technical details of the UN report make clear that only the regime could have carried out this large-scale chemical weapons attack. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius is also quoted as saying:
When you look at the findings carefully, the quantities of toxic gas used, the complexity of the mixes, the nature, and the trajectory of the carriers, it leaves absolutely no doubt as to the origin of the attack. The Washington Post went one step further, and perhaps foolishly, laid out a detailed explanation of each fabrication the West is using to spin the latest UN report. In an article titled, "The U.N. chemical weapons report is pretty damning for Assad," 5 points are made and explained as to why the UN report "points" to the Syrian government.

The 5 Lies

Lie 1. Chemical weapons were delivered with munitions not used by rebels: This claim includes referencing "Syria watcher" Eliot Higgins also known as "Brown Moses," a UK-based armchair observer of the Syrian crisis who has been documenting weapons used throughout the conflict on his blog.

While Higgins explains these particularly larger diameter rockets (140mm and 330mm) have not been seen (by him) in the hands of terrorists operating within and along Syria's borders, older posts of his show rockets similar in construction and operation, but smaller, most certainly in the hands of the militants.

The Washington Post contends that somehow these larger rockets require "technology" the militants have no access to. This is categorically false. A rocket is launched from a simple tube, and the only additional technology terrorists may have required for the larger rockets would have been a truck to mount them on. For an armed front fielding stolen tanks, finding trucks to mount large metal tubes upon would seem a rather elementary task - especially to carry out a staged attack that would justify foreign intervention and salvage their faltering offensive.

Lie 2. The sarin was fired from a regime-controlled area: The Washington Post contends that:
The report concludes that the shells came from the northwest of the targeted neighborhood. That area was and is controlled by Syrian regime forces and is awfully close to a Syrian military base. If the shells had been fired by Syrian rebels, they likely would have come from the rebel-held southeast. What the Washington Post fails to mention are the "limitations" the UN team itself put on the credibility of their findings. On page 18 of the report (22 of the .pdf), the UN states [emphasis added]:
The time necessary to conduct a detailed survey of both locations as well as take samples was very limited. The sites have been well travelled by other individuals both before and during the investigation. Fragments and other possible evidence have clearly been handled/moved prior to the arrival of the investigation team. It should also be noted that militants still controlled the area after the alleged attack and up to and including during the investigation by UN personnel. Any tampering or planting of evidence would have been carried out by "opposition" members - and surely the Syrian government would not point rockets in directions that would implicate themselves.

Lie 3. Chemical analysis suggests sarin likely came from controlled supply: The Washington Post claims:
The U.N. investigators analyzed 30 samples, which they found contained not just sarin but also "relevant chemicals, such as stabilizers." That suggests that the chemical weapons were taken from a controlled storage environment, where they could have been processed for use by troops trained in their use. Only, any staged attack would also need to utilize stabilized chemical weapons and personnel trained in their use. From stockpiles looted in Libya, to chemical arms covertly transferred from the US, UK, or Israel, through Saudi Arabia or Qatar, there is no short supply of possible sources.

Regarding "rebels" lacking the necessary training to handle chemical weapons - US policy has seen to it that not only did they receive the necessary training, but Western defense contractors specializing in chemical warfare are reported to be on the ground with militants inside Syria. CNN reported in their 2012 article, "Sources: U.S. helping underwrite Syrian rebel training on securing chemical weapons," that:
The United States and some European allies are using defense contractors to train Syrian rebels on how to secure chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria, a senior U.S. official and several senior diplomats told CNN Sunday.
The training, which is taking place in Jordan and Turkey, involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials, according to the sources. Some of the contractors are on the ground in Syria working with the rebels to monitor some of the sites, according to one of the officials. Lie 4. Cyrillic characters on the sides of the shells: The Washington Post claims:
The Russian lettering on the artillery rounds strongly suggests they were Russian-manufactured. Russia is a major supplier of arms to the Syrian government, of course, but more to the point they are not a direct or indirect supplier of arms to the rebels. The Washington Post's logic fails even at face value. Terrorists operating inside of Syria also possess rifles and even tanks of Russian origin - stolen or acquired through a large network of illicit arms constructed by NATO and its regional allies to perpetuate the conflict.

Additionally, had the attacks been staged by terrorists or their Western backers, particularly attacks whose fallout sought to elicit such a profound geopolitical shift in the West's favor, it would be assumed some time would be invested in making them appear to have originated from the Syrian government. The use of chemical weapons on a militant location by the militants themselves would constitute a "false flag" attack, which by definition would require some sort of incriminating markings or evidence to accompany the weapons used in the barrage.

Lie 5. The UN Secretary General's comments on the report: The Washington Post itself admits the tenuous nature of this final point, stating:
"This is perhaps the most circumstantial case at all, but it's difficult to ignore the apparent subtext in Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's news conference discussing the report..." That the Washington Post, and the interests driving its editorial board, could not even produce 5 reasonably convincing arguments as to why the UN report somehow implicates the Syrian government casts doubt on claims regarding the "wealth of technical detail" pointing in President Bashar al-Assad's direction.

The UN report confirms that chemical weapons were used, a point that was not contended by either side of the conflict, before or after the UN investigation began. What the West is attempting to now do, is retrench its narrative behind the report and once again create a baseless justification for continued belligerence against Syria, both covert and as a matter of official foreign policy.​


Mar 20, 2013
what about the using chemical weapons on the ppl of iraq...
first looking for weapons of mass destruction, then trying to free them from a dictator then using chemical weapons on them...

It's an ill game they play. The hypocrisy is incredible.. And yet people buy into it all day long


Jul 17, 2013
they also have satellites recording everything happening over there and they can go back years. why don't they just go back months back and zoom in and see exactly what was going on. why don't they give the un the videos.. where are they asking them to go down there and risk the lives of un investigators who are their agents anyway...


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
your story is bogus kingsmen and the writer is clearly biased, no surprise you missed that since you can't read though
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