The Present


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May 5, 2012
Truth is what stands the test of experience. A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be. Albert Einstein

Truth you can check: It is as matter of fact as the ground and as useful as food. It's the kind of truth that can make hate and war as unnecessary as ignorance.

Charles Darwin revealed how evolution works, but not what it really means.

Our true history: Evolution is no longer just a theory; it has been proven true beyond a reasonable doubt. The problem is even people who believe evolution is true disassociate themselves from the process. They some how skipped all the lower forms of animal life and just started out at the top of the evolutionary ladder. The evidence says we evolved as life evolved.

In other words, you were those other animals.

You had to be lower animals to be a human now. You lived as all the different animals in your evolutionary line. You lived through millions of years, and millions of lives and deaths to get where you are now. That's what Darwin's book means.

In addition to the fossil evidence, the genetic code proves that all animals, including us, evolved from bacteria over the last 700 million years on earth.

In other words, you were a microbe, an insect, a fish, a reptile, an ape...

When all of the evidence (100%) says something happened, and there is no evidence (zero) that anything else could have happened, it is the truth beyond a reasonable doubt to honest, rational people.

We have come a very, very long way, but we have a little further to go. The next and last step in our evolution is learning and accepting the truth of life, and this includes acknowledging our true past.

The truth will free us from the animal world we all evolved from.

Immortality: "It is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious."

It is not possible to be aware of being unconscious from your own perspective. You cannot be aware of not being aware. You can be less aware/conscious (sleep/coma), but not completely unconscious (dead), because time would stand still for you. A billion years could pass, and you would not know it.

How do you know you are dead? It is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never-ending from your own point of view.

Death and birth are a continuous event from your own perspective.

You will die physically, but you will be born into a new physical body. Being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens. There is no evidence anything else happens.

You are immortal; it is impossible not to be. The only question is where and when you will be reborn and what you will be reborn as, and we can know that too.

People are trying to understand the universe independent of consciousness, and it is the most important factor in the equation.

The universe as it relates to conscious life can be understood now. It is the ultimate truth; the truth that will transform mankind and the world.

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." FAB = -FBA

People do not realize what Isaac Newton's third law of motion really means.

Everything is balanced. Everything physical (matter/energy) goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles, or the equivalent. Birth-death, old-young, big-small, strong-weak, start-stop, up-down, rich-poor, beginning-end, fast-slow, hot-cold, pain-pleasure, win-lose, day-night, full-empty, high-low, in-out, success-failure, united-divided, give-receive, creation-destruction, on-off, positive-negative, etc.

Positive and negative forces moving in balance are the physical universe.

There are no exceptions to the laws of nature Newton revealed. They apply to all matter and energy. Human beings are matter and energy, thus you and all humans are governed by the same laws.

Luck: Good luck and bad luck are the balance in action and the way the balance most affects our lives. Luck is manifested on many levels. There is the day-to-day luck, from little things like getting a good parking space or a bad one, to big things, such as winning the lottery or finding out you have cancer. Then there is the long-term luck. You are lucky if you are born with good looks, money, health, talent and intelligence. You are unlucky if you are born unattractive, poor, sickly and without talent or intelligence. Most people are in between the extremes, but it does not matter, because we are immortal, and it will all balance out. Luck will move back and forth; everyone will get equal amounts of good and bad luck.

What goes around comes around. Everyone gets their turn.

Death is the great equalizer: If you are born with advantages, you can have more good times than bad times in your life, but when you die, you are reborn with disadvantages, and have more bad times than good times and vice versa. In the long run, no one has it better or worse than anyone else does, because life will always balance eventually. It is the known nature of the universe we live in.

The book is called The Present

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The Truth Contest | What is the Ultimate Truth?

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May 5, 2012

Figure 1 shows how mankind currently perceives life. Figure 2 shows true life.

The arrows represent life coming to you from all directions. The dotted line shows how your mind blocks most of the life coming to you. Without the mind blocking life, you receive all of life, true life, and reflect it all back out.

Seeing Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon for the first time is a peak moment for most people. Why does it make you feel so alive? Nothing really happens to you. Why doesn’t it feel as good the second time you see it? You are seeing the same thing. The reason is your mind opens up when something is special.

The truth is, every moment of life is special, and you can be completely open to life most of the time. You have to see true life to see the truth.

The obvious is that which is never seen, until someone expresses it simply. Khalil Gibran

The truth about life is actually very simple; it is just hard to see for the first time.

Life: It all boils down to how you feel from moment to moment, how often you feel good and how often you feel bad, and it will be balanced like everything else physical. Your infinite past was balanced, and your infinite future will be too, unless you change from a physical being into a spiritual being. To change into a spiritual being, you just have to know the truth, which changes your point of view and your perspective of life so that you start to live your life as a spiritual being.

Our life does not have to be just fifty-fifty like the physical world, because our spiritual-self, our immortal-self, is not physical and does not need to be balanced to exist. Our physical environment cannot fundamentally change, but we can. You just have to know it to do it.

Nothing is going to make any real difference in your life except separating yourself from the balanced physical world. It can and will change everything.

You separate yourself from the balance of physical life by seeing the truth.

The truth reveals that you do not need to experience the bad to have the good. The bad will still happen, but you will perceive it differently. The spirit is the only thing in the universe that does not need to balance. The knowledge of the balance changes your life. It leads to your transition into a spiritual being.

Good/bad: When you know the truth, you take the two sides of life, the good and bad side, and see them as one whole. You do this by understanding what the balancing force means. It means all bad times will pass and be compensated for by an equal amount of good times. It also means all good times will pass and be paid for with an equal amount of bad times. It will always balance.

When you know the truth, you will enjoy the good times more and still avoid a bad time when you can, but when you cannot, the knowledge of the balance helps you get through the bad times. This is because knowing that the worse it gets, the better it will be, makes bad times almost enjoyable. More importantly, it centers your perspective of life. You see both sides of life: whole life, true life.

The present: It is interesting that the “NOW" is called the “present.” The present is the ultimate gift; it is the gift of truth and life. You are given the present every second, and you will receive it forever. The present is the only thing that exists, the only thing you are ever conscious of. Your life is a series of presents moving through time. The future does not exist until it becomes the present.

Life is one perpetual present.

Creation is happening now: Your body, mind, and the world around it are being created from microsecond to microsecond. Things may look the same, but they are not; everything is constantly changing and being recreated. Our life and our world is being created from moment to moment.

Life and everything in it is always new.


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May 5, 2012
The nature of nothing: If you take away everything that is physical (matter/energy), you’re left with nothing (no thing). Nothing is completely empty space, absolute cold, silence and darkness. “Nothing” is infinite, eternal and indestructible. It does not move. It does not have to; it is already everywhere. The universe is more than 99.9999999% empty space. Even our own bodies are mostly empty space. All physical things are, because atoms are mostly empty space. There is a small amount of energy like light and radio waves passing through the entire universe, but it is essentially an infinite void.

True perspective: The way our solar system is shown in books does not give you a true perspective of it. It shows the sun and the other planets orbiting it in rings that are not to scale. They could not get it in a book if it was to scale. The actual scale is more like this: if the sun was the size of a basketball, the earth would be smaller than a grain of sand, and it would be thousands of feet away from it. Pluto, the outer most planet in our system, would be a grain of sand miles away. The next star outside our solar system would be thousands of miles away. It takes light that travels about one-hundred and eighty-six thousand miles a second about eight minutes to go from the sun to our planet. It will go around the earth seven times in one second, but it takes four years to get to the next star outside our solar system, 2.5 million years to get to the next galaxy. This gives you a more true idea of how much empty space there is in our universe. Most of everything is nothing.

What is faster, the speed of light or the speed of dark? Turn off the light and try to get into bed before it gets dark. I am just kidding, but I am trying to make a point. You cannot turn off “nothing” or do anything to it. It always stays the same, is always everywhere all the time. If God is everywhere, infinite, omnipresent, and eternal as the Bible states and the evidence dictates, God has to be like nothing.
Nothing is really something.

Einstein's general relativity equations show that space bends, and it proves that nothing is really something with substance. Space is shaped, and it is the shape of space that creates the gravity that controls and creates the whole universe. It holds the planets in orbit, makes the sun and other stars burn, bends light, keeps us from falling off the earth, and it is empty space, nothing.

Nothing causes everything to happen.


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May 5, 2012
Book of life: If the less than two hundred thousand year history of human beings (Homo sapiens) were in a two hundred page book, each page would represent a thousand years. For more than one hundred and sixty pages (one hundred and sixty thousand years), most of our history, you would just read about wild animals doing what wild animals do. We did not do anything different than any other wild animal for more than three-fourths of the time we have been in these bodies.

Our brains were the same size they are now, and we looked exactly as we do now. The only difference is how we lived. We had no permanent shelter other than caves, no weapons other than sticks and stones. We could not make a fire.

We were food: Try to imagine you and your friends running around naked in a hot jungle or grassland with only sticks and stones for protection. For most of our history on this planet, we were eaten alive by big cats, bears, big lizards, and even big birds. The Haas eagle had claws as big as a tiger’s, and was eating us for more than ninety percent of the book. We were like big, slow rabbits to them.

Caves: The strongest people lived in cold, dark, dirty and insect filled caves. If you were the biggest and strongest, you were lucky, because you could take and keep the best places to live. Caves gave you a little protection from the animals that tried to eat you, but you constantly had to fight other humans for the cave. Only the biggest, strongest, and healthiest humans lived in them. Most people lived outdoors in small groups. Most people were out in the open, and when it got dark, you did not sleep well. Most of the real life monsters that ate us alive snuck up in the dark when you tried to sleep. We were defenseless until recently.

Tonight when you are lying in bed in the dark, imagine you are laying on the ground in pitch darkness, with no walls and doors, and thousands of insects and other strange creatures are out in the dark making loud noises. Imagine there were predators many times your size, with large fangs and claws, that can see in the dark and smell where you are sleeping. You were there.

Beasts like the Saber Tooth Tiger lived in the same places we lived up until about ten thousand years ago, and they were just one of many creatures that would kill and eat us alive. Remember, this is the way it was for 90% of our history.

Fire: We could not make a fire up until about forty thousand years ago. That means for about a hundred and sixty thousand years, we had to go to sleep without a fire burning. For most of the time we lived on earth, we feared the night.

Not too long ago, seeing a rabbit running around would have made you hungry. You would try and kill it and eat it raw. We did not get rabbit very often; they were hard to catch. We would eat whatever we could catch, mostly insects and lizards.

For at least one hundred and sixty pages of the two hundred page book (160,000 years), we could not make a fire, and we ate other animals raw.

You lived like that for a lot longer than you have been in a warm, safe house with food in the fridge. The truth is hard to believe, but it is the truth that sets you free.

The last paragraph: Only on the last half of the last page in the book of our history would you read about a world with books. We did not really communicate with each other before the printing press. The truth is, just about everything happened in the last one percent of the time we have been human beings.

Smelled bad: Most people went years between baths up until just recently. When George Washington lived, everyone smelled bad. Almost no one took a bath in the winter. Before indoor plumbing, taking a bath was very difficult, so people did not do it very often. We did not have garbage pick up until 1895. Life stunk, literally, until this last generation, and it still does in most of the world.

Last sentence: Almost everything that comprises the world we live in now happened in the last sentence of the last page of the two hundred page book of our history as human beings on earth.

Are you starting to get the true picture?

The Truth Contest | What is the Ultimate Truth?


🐉⛩️ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ 🐉
Jun 15, 2012
going to give this a proper reading when i get the chance


Jun 4, 2012
"What is faster, the speed of light or the speed of dark? Turn off the light and try to get into bed before it gets dark. I am just kidding, but I am trying to make a point. You cannot turn off “nothing” or do anything to it. It always stays the same, is always everywhere all the time. If God is everywhere, infinite, omnipresent, and eternal as the Bible states and the evidence dictates, God has to be like nothing.
Nothing is really something.

Einstein's general relativity equations show that space bends, and it proves that nothing is really something with substance. Space is shaped, and it is the shape of space that creates the gravity that controls and creates the whole universe. It holds the planets in orbit, makes the sun and other stars burn, bends light, keeps us from falling off the earth, and it is empty space, nothing."

someone explain this...


Save a thought
May 5, 2012


Save a thought
May 5, 2012
The past is the most overrated thing that there is.

Many books and movies romanticize the past, so most people do not know what it was really like. The good old days are mostly just BS. Things are much better now than they ever were for most people.

Pyramids: People are overly impressed with the accomplishments of the past. There is nothing amazing or out of the ordinary that happened. The past was a time of ignorance, brutality and injustice. The further you go back, the more ignorant, brutal and unjust it was. People glorify the past to glorify themselves.

The pyramids and other old feats of construction are not amazing if you see them for what they are. Could anything be more wasteful than putting the hard labor of thousands of people for many years into building a tomb, something intended to be a benefit for only one dead person? Why do people think they are great?

The pyramids are just a big, well-stacked piles of rocks, exactly what we would expect to be built by misguided, primitive people. They had nothing better to do between wars. Food production was easy for them in that time and place, so they had the time and man power to build big, useless monuments.

Rulers realized that large building projects kept large numbers of men together, organized, and in good physical shape between wars. Large numbers of young men can be dangerous to rulers if they are not kept busy. It also made the rulers feel important and powerful. The monuments were also intended to kiss the butt of some invisible God or Gods they were dedicated to.

Large construction projects also told other rulers that they should think twice about attacking them. It gives the message that if a ruler can organize large numbers of strong, resourceful men for massive building projects, he can use the same men for war. The bigger and more difficult the monument was to build, the bigger the potential army could be. Just about everything people in the past did had something to do with war, religion, and/or a ruler’s ego.

The stones are so big and difficult to move because it impressed people, and if they were not that big, they would not still be here today. There were a lot of other huge and fantastic things built in the past that are not here anymore, just because the stones were small and easier to carry off. In a later time when people needed to build other structures, they just used the stones from previous structures to build the new ones.

Nothing that happened in the past was surprising in any way.

The only thing we know about the past for certain is that people were ignorant, superstitious, savage, unjust, egotistical, scared and liked to tell stories.

If an archaeologist dug up an ancient Golden Gate Bridge or a telephone, I would think maybe something amazing or unexpected happened in the past. Until then, no one should think anything too important or fantastic happened.

Those monuments just testify to suffering, injustice and ignorance.

When people see the suffering and injustice that building the monuments caused, they will not think so much of them anymore.