This phenomenon has got to stop now! The most classic case of this is Vivica Fox stripping in da club right after the aliens landed and set up shop in Independence Day I mean who's stripping or going to strip clubs after aliens have landed? No b*tch is on their grind like that.
This is mostly in the big budget blockbusters and tv shows. The new Godzilla is now up on this. The most craziest, wild, and mindblowing thing to ever happen in the existence of mankind and yet you still have cops out directing traffic, fire fighters and paramedics out running around, clerks still checking people out at supermarkets, businessmen, who obviously didn't get the memo about the end of the world approaching, are still typing away in highrises, etc. Way back in the day you had a movie called "The Day After" about what would it be like if nukes were about to literally drop in about 12 hours or so in every city in America. And it was sheer pandemonium. But the stores were open and people were working that day. Sh*t is comical
Even during the LA Riots the LAPD said f*ck this sh*t
and bounced from the scene. And that's just riots in one area of town. I want to see people really really really freak out at the sight of an alien or 100 foot tall monster. Peoples minds would be literally f*cked if something like this were to happen. We rarely even get this expression in flicks
let alone this

I wanna see sheer outright terror. So bad you would literally have some people off themselves right on the spot. Especially someone that's a hard core religious type. Just my thoughts

Even during the LA Riots the LAPD said f*ck this sh*t