Nice concept. 3.5 star execution. I really hate them damn corny emo slow depressed ass singing and during the action scenes too 
overall it was entertaining

overall it was entertaining
LOL I told my girl the same thing is that really dude from Harry Potter? I was just bullshyttin when I said itThey just raided the penthouse and HarryPotter cousin in the elevator trying to book it

Same thing I said. Oldest one should have been black. and yes I know the one that died a while back was blackSpeaking of racism and WS...Hollywood...will yall knock it off? The oldest immortal is a white woman? A pasty one at that? Please stop. In reality such a warrior would probably look more like Michonne from the walking dead. Yall aint been on the planet that long. But yeah you ancient warriors tho. That the sun hates. Lol ok!
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