Let's get down to brass tacks gentleman.
Seeing as your stars and stripes are sorely absent, from this, the greatest international tournament of all, i suggest you embark on choosing a team to support for the duration of the festivities.
I mean sure, all you white americans(most of you) will likely turn to your ancestry to choose, i know how you're all so fond of letting people know where you're not actually from(unless it's somewhere shyt like Luxembourg). But allow me to suggest a team if you would...
I would suggest the mighty England, we have grit, determination and we're ever so brave in the face of adversity, hearts of bloody lions we have!
There's also the whole, we used to be your rulers and overlords thing, too. OH! And we speak the same language(kind of), crazy right?!
Choose your team wisely, as once you've chosen someone else, you can't celebrate when England win.