all these game companies fukking up so bad...
there hasnt been a quality release this ENTIRE year and we wont see one until battlefield 4 in fall.. Then everything comeso ut at the same fukking time
What was the last big release? Sim City was close, but thats not really a game that woulda lasted long for most people regardless of smooth launch or not.. Starcraft 2 expansion is the only one I can think of..
at the end of this year we got just a cluster fukk of good games coming out but I cant be the only one who sees this as a bad thing ?? Yall know we aint gonna get shyt for another year or two after this holidays right ? Not a single fukking thing.. except rehashed sports games, THATS IT. They had a chance at a new start/cycle of getting release dates right and better but it seems like everyone is just like PS4/Xbox1 coming out lets just blow all our load from the start
I was talking about this a few days ago like... fukk I seriously dont got much shyt to play at all right now.. Bethesa fukked up BIG by not releasing the new Skyrim game right now, theres literally no competition at all they would sweep up millions of sales right now.
this boutta be the most garbage summer of video game releases of all time