Sorry breh, didn't realise you @'d me until now.
The boiler room crowd is the worst in existence. It's not even a legit club crowd, in the sense of them allowing people to just buy a ticket to go to a boiler room show. The crowd would actually be great if that was the case. Instead however, you basically have to know someone connected to boiler room or be in the london music/streetwear/fashion 'in-crowd' to get into the shows. You get in if your names on the list, if not, fucc off

that's the only part about boiler room where they dropped the ball because you end up getting crowds like for example, every grime boiler room where 80% of the crowd doesn't know one riddim except for eskimo, i luv u or morgue. Just a bunch of cool kid hipster fuccbwoys. It made snese in the early days though cos they literally would just do the show in someones yard but now they're big enough to open the sh1t to the general public.