And that's because he decided to live in Monaco.
They don't have that smoke for people who purposely go to work in the Gulf or Asia for the same reasons. That tax free 2k a day danger money working in Iraq. But Lewis has changed, the tattoos and clothing he wears, no different to what David Beckham did.
Lewis Hamilton's problem is that he isn't a loser and we love a loveable loser. The character he had to build as a child is what made him the competitor and more importantly the person he is today.
It's like we don't mind you winning, but we need you to have 10 years of hardship failure along the journey to the promise land. And maybe just maybe we phuck with you. It's why Button, Hill and Mansell got most of their support in their heyday. Hill and Mansell also get the luxury of sympathy because their titles hopes were dashed by the skulduggery of those pesky foreigners