Claude is legit the angriest white man I've ever seen in my life, and I live in a country full of Trump voters.
I'm kinda worried about that dude. He might have a coronary on air one of these weeks.
AFTV is great because Robbie is this calm voice of reason that has to manage all these crazy dudes who clearly have Arsenal as the only healthy outlet for their anger and frustration with life in general. Could watch it every day, win or lose.
Breh it's just the pain that comes with being an Arsenal fan. The highs are so high but them lows
I will always remember that 2008 season. That 2-2 draw against Birmingham, Gallas going crazy when we conceded that last minute penalty...
When we beat Barca at the Emirates in 2011

only for Messi to fukk us up in the 2nd leg
The year we let Leicester win the title smh
So much pain
EDIT: How can I forget the 8-2 game v United

had to put up with so much shyt talk after that game