Weah should try to get loaned out to a mid level EPL team. PSG has clout but he get's no playing time. Pulisic on the other hand gets ample playing time at Dortmund and dude is ballin.
Have him play for a team like Crystal Palace or Everton where he might actually play but also have a few older guys to show him the ropes. I think going to any of the Ultra-teams is a terrible move. Look at what Madrid/Bayern has done for James Rodriguez's career.

Places like Dortmund, Villareal, Sevilla, Everton, Lyon, Monaco...are hotbeds for young talent. If I'm an 18 year old, of course, I'd love to play for Madrid or PSG. But I think, moving to those teams would be MUCH more fruitful players like Davies, Pulisic, Weah and the sort.