Essential The Official Football (Soccer) Thread - 'We will not be there.' - Pep Fraudiola

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Thecoli is what you make of it tbf, this site is good for the bantz, features and occasionally some of the fukkery, ask anything else of it and you'll get burned :manny:

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
My entire time on the coli is spent lurking in 3/4 threads, and largely posting only in this one. Brehs gotta stop being surprised that the average thoughts of average people are alarming. Mans need to join me on my peculiar interests wave
I only lurk like 3 threads (anime thread, OFT, JBO random pic thread) and occasionally some others which are relevant to my interests (battles, manga threads, big matches threads, photoshop threads etc). From time to time I click on the featured threads in the landing page but it's usually not worth it.

@Montez before you leave, let us know what you dislike about the forum. @Liu Kang please do the same
What I don't like in the Coli currently is that it might be too American for me with the constant race and genetics stuff.
I didn't know this aspect of life was so impregnated in the US on the real. I knew the black struggle was real and it was no problem having numerous threads about that but I didn't know the concept of races and related matters occupied THAT much of space in American lives. As if race (and the notion of being inherently different depending on one's complexion) was the first thing that came to mind when Americans deal with other people. It might just be the Coli and I may be wrong on that but I'm not sure really because I've read similar stuff on other US websites (or US-related stuff) so I'm starting to think that it's really some kind of American state of mind (once again, I may be wrong).

Even in the Coliseum when we should focus on the sports aspect of things, it's something that is really present. And if you put on top of that the almost constant (black) women bashing or black contrarians called "c00ns" of "bedwenches" for just having a different opinion, it's starting to be a little too much. So that's why I barely post these days (OFT excepted). And TLR has really really declined, quality-wise. Good thing I started ignoring people, it made my Coli experience a little better.


dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
I only lurk like 3 threads (anime thread, OFT, JBO random pic thread) and occasionally some others which are relevant to my interests (battles, manga threads, big matches threads, photoshop threads etc). From time to time I click on the featured threads in the landing page but it's usually not worth it.

@Montez before you leave, let us know what you dislike about the forum. @Liu Kang please do the same

What I don't like in the Coli currently is that it might be too American for me with the constant race and genetics stuff.
I didn't know this aspect of life was so impregnated in the US on the real. I knew the black struggle was real and it was no problem having numerous threads about that but I didn't know the concept of races and related matters occupied THAT much of space in American lives. As if race (and the notion of being inherently different depending on one's complexion) was the first thing that came to mind when Americans deal with other people. It might just be the Coli and I may be wrong on that but I'm not sure really because I've read similar stuff on other US websites (or US-related stuff) so I'm starting to think that it's really some kind of American state of mind (once again, I may be wrong).

Even in the Coliseum when we should focus on the sports aspect of things, it's something that is really present. And if you put on top of that the almost constant (black) women bashing or black contrarians called "c00ns" of "bedwenches" for just having a different opinion, it's starting to be a little too much. So that's why I barely post these days (OFT excepted). And TLR has really really declined, quality-wise. Good thing I started ignoring people, it made my Coli experience a little better.

pretty much spot on. it's what happens when a valid and pressing subject is constantly harped on by idiots in an echo chamber
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Max B

Mar 31, 2014
Ayo brehs, today is my last day on The Coli for a while. Gonna pulla Kunty. It's been fun and I'll probably lurk from time to time but I want to take a break. OFT has and will continue to be great but TheColi on the whole might not be.

All my Arsenal mandem :mjcry: I think we will be alright post January. Top 3, Arsene will come to his senses. Alexis is too good for us but I think he loves us. Been saying a while we need more black players for powa and players from the slums for their desire. @frush11 was right all along.

All my Chelsea mandem :mjcry: it's been a glorious 11 days. The 2nd half Cesc collapse will actually be fun now.

@penfield, @horse. kills @Grams my literary, spiritual, infitada advisers respectively, :salute:
Goodbye my favorite arsenal support :mjcry:

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
I don't think it was always this way but right now race and gender are very hot button in America, things are just changing fast and a lot of brehs have a lot to say about it, shame it's rarely good.

It's weird how I felt like the Obama presidency would bring america together but instead, lots of hyperpolarization :ehh:


May 1, 2012
I don't think race is an issue, it's only an issue on The Coli

Just like the white supremacists that make racist comments on youtube, the opposite of that goes on too. People may be thinking that on the inside but the last thing they'll do is show it or actually do anything to show that hate... mostly cause most people aren't in positions of power, they are just losers fighting other losers in a meaningless war

Maybe growing up in a multicultural city with 10 different nationalities in one classroom has warped my views, but I never once thought about race in my childhood, and I'm sure many others didn't either.


Grams Grands Gucci G'd Up
May 1, 2012
I don't think race is an issue, it's only an issue on The Coli

Just like the white supremacists that make racist comments on youtube, the opposite of that goes on too. People may be thinking that on the inside but the last thing they'll do is show it or actually do anything to show that hate... mostly cause most people aren't in positions of power, they are just losers fighting other losers in a meaningless war

GOODBYE :laff:


May 1, 2012
The first time I thought about race was when I transferred to my local high school and basically saw everyone that used "nikka" in everyday speech as scum, and I still do. And I mean in the NYC type of nikka, where all those people who are hood get a pass on using it.. I'm sure you've seen some of the threads on that around here.

People who thought they were cool cause they treated others badly, or tried to start problems and saw themselves as powerful. All those hood hispanics, some blacks, disgusting people.


May 1, 2012
I seen some "street harassment" shyt on the way to class just now. This good looking girl in :takedat: business attire just got off the train platform and was walking on the sidewalk when this stereotypical Sons of Anarchy looking guy in a pickup truck honked twice at her as he drove by. My first reaction was "this fool right chea :pachaha:" but then I looked at the girl's face and she couldn't hide how uncomfortable she was. She tried but I already pree'd it. I empathized with her :ehh: But still I wouldn't call that harassment unless the man deadass followed her around and kept honking. I'm so happy to see feminism taking Lz at such a high rate recently.

I was dealing with this 9/10 Russian broad who was stereotypically beautiful, had that "fukk you I might be evil" face. Was waiting for her outside a building and she was dressed in her best business attire. Pencil skirt and all that, and that was the first time I 'that whole thing' in action.

Couldn't be more stereotypical, this skinny russian thing walking in front of a construction site with a bunch of dudes catcalling her, while she was just :queen: past them walking over to me, the thirst on their faces gave me a hell of a boost.

Had that
going on

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
I don't think race is an issue, it's only an issue on The Coli
:whoa: :what:

i too grew up living elbow to elbow with people that looked, talked, and thought differently than i did and i would never say this dumb shyt

race doesn't HAVE to be an issue in very small well-worn circles, but it's definitely not just the coli

yall think im playing about the daps and i largely am but a lotta dudes on here say outlandish shyt on race just to get recognized somehow, and others see they get daps and it becomes a cesspool of groupthink ignorance

Roaden Polynice

May 1, 2012
That's really one of the inherent problems with the internet. In the past you'd probably mingle with people who were like-minded and had similar opinions.

Now with the internet you can find vast communities peopled by those who have the same viewpoints and opinions, with no real incentive to seek out other insights other than to mock and jeer. It's like a hyper echo chamber. The Coli is just another product of that.

Plus you couple that with the reality of constantly suppressing real feelings and opinions in real life, and the consequences that happen because of that, especially to black people, and I think you see what we see on the coli. It happens for white people too.

And this happened to me just yesterday. I was talking to a co-worker who has a black husband and she was talking about her baby and was like, "Yeah we were really picky about names. We both liked *generic name*. My whole thing was that I didn't want a super unique and crazy name" and I responded, "Oh yeah? :upsetfavre:" because I knew what was coming next. She caws, "Yeah, I didn't like, want to be in a park, being a white woman calling out for a Shaquanda, that would just look weird :avbehh:" I just gave the :skip: face and changed the subject. I wanted to say something but I concluded that it just wouldn't be politic.

Internet is just a large venting place, the therapist for everyone, there to alleviate the stress of American life where you barely know yourself, or you can't show true colors for fear of being a pariah.

On another note, "These Are Our Heroes" just came on my Spotify. I forgot how fukking hilarious this song is :dead: I still remember Nas on ESPN rambling incoherently.