Grams Grands Gucci G'd Up
As a #MidnightBoy, my hate is only matched by down South blacks who lived around or before Jim Crow era. Years of being abused because my skin didn't match the false beauty of cac supremacy and I had to deal with people of ALL races (especially black) and cultures that were brainwashed by that same cac supremacy ideology on a day-to-day basis. A group of people so arrogant to believe that everybody must look like them, or be considered sub-human. How can you tolerate that? Regular black people merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. If you really are getting to my levels, slow it down. You a corporate breh, don't be like me@Grams I'm getting to your levels of hate breh.
I'm trying to focus more on attaining #blackexcellence and positive energy.