Scottie Drippin
Should Never Mention Me
The misc bothers me on a very conceptual he a MISCer?that's not a good look in any way. that's worse than being a coli poster tbh and that's pretty bad in its own right :intoodeep:
Bodybuilding seems like it is a very active lifestyle. One that I'd assume involves many hours spent in gyms, in transit to gyms, in transit to vitamin shoppes on the way to gyms, perhaps even jogging or biking as mode of transport. Basically, what I'm getting at, is I don't really see how one of the biggest forums on the internet could be one dedicated to an active lifestyle.
Isn't the very nature of the forum that they're all....doing stuff?
I think it's quite a damning indictment when you think about it.
I can't help but imagine they're mostly the worst type of person. The person who wasn't smart or interesting enough to be a nerd, nor cool or athletic enough to be a jock. They're all Inbetweeners on steroids.