Another one I always see in Netflix that I've been meaning to watch
On another note Jon Hamm confirmed for the Black Mirror Christmas Special :damngoodcoffee:
check it out. i feel like they could do the same movie from the perspective of the protagonist's best friend and it would be just as interesting
i liked the acting performances way more than the movie.
its a dope movie. Witherspoon's part is so small and off her normal character that it was cool.
def picked this up too.
Mud was dope. Nice southeren, coming of age flick. seemed like an ode to mark twain.
Kings of Summer is another flick in that lane.
yeah very mark twain, i dig that. i've been getting big into twain and shakespeare lately

never too told to return to classics. never seen Kings of Summer, will check it out.
@Liu Kang I'm done with French breh. No teaching English in Asnieres-sur-Seine for 8 months, no Euro 2016 wave, RIEN. In my 3rd semestre of taking French and shyt is long pendant homme. :longforman: Can't understand a TING my professor is saying. The dream is really over
you need immersion homeboy. speaking french for 1.5 hours 2 days a week will do nothing. you have to foster the language in your head, constantly spinning it around like you'd casually walk around tossing a baseball up and down, feeling the seams, the size, the weight. if you went to france on study abroad, you'd improve a lot. i dont recommend you teaching tho

you dont seem to have the temperament at this point tbh

not a par, just being real. it's not for everyone