Yeah I know a lad who was working teaching adults here for a year-ish, probs less, then got a job with Ogilvy. Pretty sure he has a niiice cv though, wanted to be a lawyer but claims the arse fell out the US for that. Supposedly pretty easy to get copywriting jobs here, but initially your taking little less money, and I'm not sure of the career path with doing that, and presumably it's much less of a fukk around than teaching, so the people who use it to easily eclipse a teaching salary and/or move back 'west' higher on the career ladder would presumably have some passion or flair for it. (Workmate used to live with a guy who thought it was great he got one of those jobs just cos he could say he wasn't a techer. Definitely the brains of the operation.) I know a lass who started doing this recently as well.
Another lad I know is working doing some sort of marketing for a chinese school to Japs and laoweis, he knows a fair bit of Japanese.
A mate quit his teaching job but then found out that the new job he had lined up couldn't secure him a visa, so now is back doing some weird teaching, including bending a doll about to show parents how to move there kids or something. Another lad who worked for that company quit with a job lined up, found out it was only part-time, so told his bosses he was unquitting, they told him they didn't like him so they'd rather he didn't
, yelling match ensued. Still works there as far as i know
Lad I work with has decent experience inspecting worker conditions in factories in quite a few countries, currently looking at something with H&M that he'd be partially qualified for he reckons, presumably would dwarf our current salary, but he's had looks at a few things since i've been here, and he's half way through his third year here.
Was talking to some ABC about 9 pints in after the Liverpool game saturday, said he used to teach, can't remember what he was saying he now does, but basically he'd bought a house a few years ago and it's now worth a million dollars or more (land here is very, very expensive to buy, rent is okay i guess) but he can't get the money out the country due to tax. Was a thread on f365 the other day about chinese investors throwing millions at a uk guys car dealership, told my mate studying chinese at uni here that he need to get into a 'get the money out' role. He told me a few hours later after footy that he'd bought £100 worth of shares in man u this summer.

Not sure he's gonna do it really.