Lastly, the first time in 4 years vettel gasnt had the best car by country miles (obvs the championship will always go to the best car, but lets not pretend the other cars were in the same league as the red bulls when it comes down to it) and he falls apart, lewis may have been beaten by button (who we can agree is a fraud but still has a championship to his name,) but at least he aint never got MOPPED by his teammate routinely and convincingly the way danni has been doing vettel so far this championship...
Vettel is ahead of Riccardio in the points

The fukk breh try again

Like, you really couldn't be more wrong about the simple, black and white fact of Vettel being ahead in the championship
Also the car thing, again false. Quite clearly the McLaren and Ferrari were at times and in specific places better than the Red Bull? Why? They were winning races. Again Vettel didn't have the points lead in 2010 until the last race of the season, and was 4th after the Italian Grand Prix (in August b) in 2012. Vettel's style is best suited towards medium downforce tracks, as is the Red Bull, which is why both years he got hot at the end of the season and staged massive comebacks to win the championship.
You want to know when a car is outrageously dominant? When people can't even keep up with the #2 driver. Like Ferrari in 2002 and 2004, or Williams in '96, or McLaren in the late 80's. The Red Bull was very good, yes, the class of the field even. But if it was so easy to win a proven servicable driver in Webber would be finishing second in the championship like Rubens did to Michael. The Red Bull had/has tons of potential.. It took the right driver to maximize it, Vettel is the right driver. That's completely inarguable
Vettel is a fraud in my eyes, idgaf what you think, his peers dont even respect his gangsta ffs and just see him as a spoilt brat
Spoiled brats think another spoiled brat is a spoiled brat. Woohoo?

As I've gone over, Alonso is the biggest whiner and prima donna in the sport, perhaps the biggest in the history of F1. All these dudes are salty. Why shouldn't they be? Four time world champion. Ahead of Lewis in every significant category there is.
And the best part?
Sebastian, unlike Lewis, spent a season and a half in a lower-midpark car in the Torro Rosso. Lewis is the only World Champion who didn't have to prove his worth and earn his stripes down the grid before getting a call-up to a big team, and even then, what the fukk was Red Bull before Sebastian started winning for them.
Sebastian Vettel won a fukking Grand Prix in a Toro Rosso! A fukkING TORO ROSSO BREHDREN. TORO ROSSO IS MINARDI. Sebastian's win in a fukking TORO ROSSO is a more impressive feat than ANYTHING Lewis has ever done in his career. For its first three years as a team, Toro Rosso had 14 Top 10 finishes. Nine of them were Vettel's in a season and a half

And why're you talking about japan as if lewis hasn't eon there (a classic while we're at it

Lewis has never won at Suzuka. Again, try again breh

Vettel has won 4/5 there.
and i seem to recall a couple years ago lewis amassed the most points in the 2nd half of the season with an inferior car to vettel's
That literally never happened. The last time Lewis outscored Vettel in the second half of the season (again, when Vettel is at his best) was in 2009 when in the second half of the season after the double-decker diffuser ban the McLaren was the best car out there.
So yes, yes i do have faith in lewis and stop getting all burthurt cos ya man is buckling under the pressure cos he can't flat track bully anymore and its getting moved to the convict
@Ari Gold Bawse
Your imagination is spongebob levels brehdren