Liverpool will probably win, I'd like to care more but I don't.
Felt like a little bytch today brehs. Went to go watch Under the Skin today (they pushed it back a week, and an aside I just gotta say how lucky you LA and NYC brehs are. Like fukking pulling teeth getting those small distributor/studio movies out here. Grand Budapest been at the artsy theater now for fukking ages now. I've seen it twice in that time but ffs they could've had a bunch of movies in that timeframe) and I walk up to the theater and there's some 16 year old breh loitering outside and he's like, "Hey man, they won't let me buy a ticket because I'm not 17

. I write film reviews for a blog and I need to see this movie. Think you can buy me a ticket?

I was astounded, mainly because I was taken aback that a 16 year old was writing film reviews and I could respect that regardless of whether or not his reviews were any good and I commended him being a critic at a young age.
I stammered a bit, "I mean...I guess? :avbehh:"
A wave of disgust washed over his face, which pretty much said to me "Buy me a ticket nikka

I half expected him to be like
So I grabbed his 20 and walked in, the ticket lady was giving me the

look as well, presumably because she saw the whole thing go down and knew what was up. I saw that look and locked up, didn't even try, "One for Under the Skin, 11 o clock :ffs:".
I returned outside and was like, "Sorry bruh, they knew the game

" as I handed him back his 20. He scoffed and walked off like I'd just pissed in his birthday cake batter or something. Question your manhood and charm because you tried and failed to impress a 16 year old film critic brehs