What fukkery she been up to? that’s been getting on your t*ts? And if you been thinking about it for 6 months its time to show her to the shrubbery
Tbh I think it's 100% me

. She hasn't done anything wrong really. You've got to understand this about me, I'm one of those types of annoying people that irrationally expect the best out of everyone they deal with on a personal level, because I try to improve upon myself constantly, and I expect things out of her now that kinda contradict the personality traits that made me get with her in the first place.
Like for example, I got with her because she is very homely, delicate (in a womanly way) and very cute (in a goofy way)....and doesn't have a slutty bone in her body. Well now.....i'm finding out, in order to keep the man (me) interested sexually in her, she's gonna have to know how to turn me on (and I've become more demonic/wiser with age

), and now the goofiness is starting to iritate me because she'll make a big deal out of a cut that'll have me looking at her like

. She's not the princess barbie daddies girl type of girl either.
also, let's get down to the nitty gritty. That strange is fuccing appealing

. I come into contact with maaaaanny beautiful women at my job and I actually work with 2 girls that teach pole dancing workout on the side and one that is a ballerina (the flexibility

)...and to top it off, I've never cheated on my girl, never so much as kissed another girl, so the temptation is getting to a boiling point atm.
Lastly, I know if I dump my girl I'll most likely regret it later on in life. She'd be a phenomenal mother, people would have to go out of there way to dislike her and she would never cheat on me. Plus, she literally worships the ground I walk on (no gas).She's told me in the past that our relationship is like if I told her to jump, she'd ask "how high?" so.......oh and last year I had a tarot reading and the lady that did it told me that I wanted to finish the relationship and shouldn't do so cos I'll have maaaaaany women try to get with me (golddiggers) with how my life is going to go and she's the one that has held me down (she does hold me down very well

) and basically my life is going to go t*ts up if i'm not with her lol. I don't usually believe in them type of things but you never know

so there's that too
i'm confused brehs

oh yeah, sorry for you reading all this and there not being any gilver/u-gos type fuccery in there. My relationship is very easy going (touch wood)

. Oh and we're going to paris in a couple weeks so even if I wanted to end it I can't do it now and be a total c*nt lol