fukk a movie, i'm lazy ass fukk, already drinking and I don't feel like leaving the house. Gonna watch Ross Kemp on Gangs all day.

fukk a movie, i'm lazy ass fukk, already drinking and I don't feel like leaving the house. Gonna watch Ross Kemp on Gangs all day.
I meant to say this
its next year, and orchestra is playing Illmatic in honor of the 20th anniversary
Ian Wright can both fukk off
I think i'm gonna troll around on justin tv, ain't been there since they started shutting channels down that showed PL and CL matches
nothing worthwhile except people streaming themselves playing games breh, apparently thats a semi-popular thing now
i used to have fun just randomly getting on the youtube top videos back when it wasnt so commercialized, i found some random shyt that way like
Ajdar - Çikita Muz - YouTube
which is probably my favorite internet video ever of course. there was proper stuff from around the world that had you going
same way for justin.tv , random sports, i found some madagascar tv station once, it was great.. and i remember random people just streaming their house, bar, store, etc. now not so much.
i thought i'd never get a chance to act ratchet at the kennedy center.
thank you based nas
Wrighty the Legend, was just calling it how he saw it, Chelsea fans and classlessness, goes hand in hand
I've never been to the Kennedy, these past couple of years, is really the first time i've started paying attention to other art forms besides music.
You ain't gonna have a chance to act racthet at that anyways, gonna be a bunch of bougie, neo-soul type Negroes, and and white liberal intellect types.
so? it's not his job as gus' tour guide on fsc, plus he's always had it out for chelsea.
not to mention the crowd at emirates reeks of unfocused pussiness, doubt we'd hear him comment on them tho
No he don't, he told SWP to choose them over Arsenal when he was looking to move from City.
And he always goes at Arsenal, whenever he sees something he doesn't like, from the fans to the board.
i did forget about him excoriating arsenal fans tbf. oh well. ever since SWP didn't pan out he's had it in for them. i get it, it's his kid, but it's lame to let that bleed it into his commentary.
the fans might deserve mention, but he kept goin on em. like breh, we get it. good game happenin here, nah?