Knew Brighton were going to go on a winless streak after beating us.
Why not?I dont like the idea of Rashford going to Villa.![]()
As was written in scripture.... untied giveth and united takethKnew Brighton were going to go on a winless streak after beating us.
I dont like the idea of Rashford going to Villa.![]()
If he goes to Villa and suddenly rounds into form, does that allow us to say that the United Manager and Mangement are shyt?yall laughing but emery will get rashford right
I like Rashy and dont want him to stay in England.Why not?
The truth is somewhere in between. but thats no fun I guess.If he goes to Villa and suddenly rounds into form, does that allow us to say that the United Manager and Mangement are shyt?
The 'I told you sos" will come out if he fails, just wondering what we are saying if he succeeds....