Spurs fan thinks it was a red

Shock horror.
The boot slides down his shin and then the studs connect with the foot.
In real time its literally a flick of the boot and a glancing connection.
VAR always tries to justify a reason for why their decision could be right,
The better way to look at it is if that is given as a yellow, does VAR go the ref and suggest it should be a red? I think you know the answer.
No one even bats an eyelid if that is given as a yellow.
I know we all got tribalism but honestly you can't want that given as a red as a football fan.
Doku had his studs on MacAllister chest in the box last season and some how that challenge isn't seen as high and reckless foul play in the box by the same ref.
We gotta call out shyt decisions for whoever cause eventually it will come around to your team.