Essential The Official Football (Soccer) Thread - 'We will not be there.' - Pep Fraudiola

Low End Derrick

May 8, 2014
Ran into this account last night, agree with everything they said.

Again I think it’s more to do with the reaction towards racism rather than racism itself. No one’s denying Britain has a problem with racism, but what they do have is an footballing infrastructure in place to tackle the sort of abuse Vinicius faced on Sunday.

Ask players, managers or journalists with a knowledge of football in Spain and even they will tell you that yeah, the country/league is a good 20-25 years behind their counterparts in England, France and Germany:

Also, this whole “mY lEaGUe iS bEttEr tHaN yOuR lEaGuE” shyt on social media is just so damn asinine. :why:Can’t believe nikkas still on that.


Dec 24, 2014

Joint statement of the Ministry of Racial Equality of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Ministry of Equality of the Kingdom of Spain

Due to a racist attack recently committed within the context of the Spanish Football League against a Brazilian player, the Ministry of Racial Equality of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Ministry of Equality of the Kingdom of Spain declare, through this joint statement
  • Firstly, the most forceful and absolute condemnation of racism in sports and the violence it generates, which constitutes a serious violation of human rights and perpetuates inequality and discrimination in all areas of society. Racist, sexist and fascist attitudes on and off the football field are intolerable in a democracy.
  • Secondly, we declare unconditional solidarity with Vini Jr., the player attacked, as well as with all athletes, professional or not, who experience racist violence in sports on a daily basis. Sports should be a reflection of the values of equality, respect and diversity that guide our societies and there is no place in it for those who propagate messages of hate, racism, persecution and intolerance.
  • Thirdly, it is urgent that all competent institutions respond with the greatest diligence to act against this and all cases that occur in the sports field and that cannot go unpunished, guaranteeing the monitoring, protection and reparation of the victims of these crimes.
The signatory states of this declaration value the recent signature shared between the two governments of a Memorandum of Understanding for the promotion of racial equality and the fight against racism, racial discrimination and other related forms of intolerance. The aforementioned memorandum encourages cooperation and progress in the area of equality to share knowledge and good practices and expand access for Africans, Afrodescendants, black people, Romani people and migrants — among other populations and ethnic groups that suffer racial discrimination more frequently — to public policies that promote equity, dignity and the well-being of these populations.

The Ministry of Equality of Spain, within the scope of the said Memorandum of Understanding, commits itself to promote it in the exercise of the powers that correspond to it for the proposal, promotion and development of the transversal application of the principle of equal treatment and the elimination of all types of discrimination against people on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin. It should be remembered that, within the scope of the referred agreement, it is established as a priority — precisely — that the States pay special attention to the fight against racism in sports activities.

The aforementioned agreement is based on the fact that racism is structural in our societies and that events like the one that occurred in Valencia are not isolated events, but are deeply rooted in society. To advance in its eradication, States must first recognize and protect the rights of those who suffer it, in order to implement effective public policies that emphatically confront racism and racial discrimination, reduce levels of vulnerability and violence, and protect traditional peoples and migrant communities. Likewise, and in order to inform all possible victims of racism in sport, as well as in any other field, Spain informs you of the existence of the Assistance and Guidance Service for Victims of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination of the Council for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination or Ethnic Discrimination (CEDRE), dependent on the Ministry of Equality, which offers legal assistance and advice to victims of discrimination based on race or ethnic origin through telephone assistance (021) and face-to-face in 23 offices throughout the state.

In the Spanish case, the future Law on Racism is configured as the horizon to articulate and materialize this agenda in an integral way. In the Brazilian case, the Ministries of Racial Equality, Sports and Justice are working together to develop a national program to combat racism in sports, reinforcing the commitment of the Brazilian government as a whole.

The signatory States, through this Joint Declaration, insist on this shared anti-racist commitment and on the importance of carrying out concrete and effective actions to promote equality and the fight against racism as essential pillars for the development of both countries.

Nota conjunta do Ministério da Igualdade Racial da República Federativa do Brasil e do Ministério da Igualdade do Reino da Espanha