My advice would be for you to create a blog to show your skills.
This is a simple way to practice and this could be your portfolio when time will be due. When you'll apply for a job for example, this will be a great asset to present to any recruter. There are some jobs where actual skills are better than theorical knowledge and I think reporting is one of them.
I mean there are many blogs from people that comment on their passions, that are well-written and insightful, yet who don't have any diploma in journalism. Plus, it seems that you like writing because if I remember right, it was you that wrote the piece about Fifa 13 for the coli main page and it was kinda good (well, maybe too much digression but seems to be the "spice" in your writing).
If you can focus on the sports subject while showing objectivity and providing articles regularly, this may lead you to have some kind of notoriety and kickstart a career

. Unfortunately, it seems that blogs may soon be outta fashion (too many, change of media etc.) but it could at least help you train your skills.