I see. So no one fukks with Syracuse? Utica? Ithaca? Schenectady?
Damn b
They are a bit white and insular I feel.
Looked at a map though, thinking gonna go to Long Island, NYC up to Portland ME. That way I'll be able to go thru CT, MA, NH etc.
We know they exist

What they actually do up there, what they look like, especially that far up, no one knows.
But I did learn most of the city names of the state from my neighborhood, though.
In succession, we have a bunch of avenues with city names:
Rochester, Buffalo, Utica, Schenectady, Albany, Troy, Kingston, Brooklyn, New York. That's about the extent of my knowledge up there.
I've driven to Mount Vernon. Looked like Staten Island from my short stay there.
Went with my dad to visit from friends of his in Spring Valley. Looked like some horrible parts of New Jersey with a huge Expressway basically being the city's main road. They lived in what structurally reminded me of the projects shown in music videos from New Orleans or Miami. 2 stories high, "ratchets" everywhere, broken screen doors, desolate looking side streets.
And one time, many years ago, I accompanied my father on a trip somewhere near Chappaqua (I only remembered the name because Bill Clinton had just moved there) to a ski resort, or something similar. IIRC, he was doing a bus tour with some underprivileged kids from the city on a winter weekend. We drove past these huge houses, snow covered grounds, and this huge resort with cabins and stuff. I don't even remember how long ago this was anymore.
Even then, those are just Westchester and Rockland counties, the first 2 north. Don't know what to tell you. Don't know what you'll find.
Maybe @
yoyoyo1 knows.