if this quote is true, I'm not surprise in the least bit. Madrid and Barca will always but the main draw for generation player and balloon d'or winner.
I think the PL will suit him better though. more fast pace and games go from one end to the other, like bundesliga, but with better defenders. too many teams sit back in la liga and park the bus against Real and Barca. not sure it suits his game. especially not at Barca.
true, but PL is still closer to bundasliga's teams playstyle than la liga. just with better players. Diego Simeone is responsible for by every laliga team parking the bus and has kind of ruined spanish football. very so often you see the games open. even when two shyt teams are playing.
What the hell are you talking about?
The Bundesliga has nothing like Jose employing the low block at Spurs effectively ending Alli's career

for two seasons, let's not talk about how 2/3 the PL table drops back against top sides. Or how a BACK FIVE was in fashion for three years because of Conte's Chelsea. Like...what? Games are RARELY end to end in the PL like they are in Bundesliga. City and Leicester just had one of the first true high scoring games of the season.
Combine that with the La Liga over the past decade (which was the better league until Liverpool became competitive), it was NOTHING for Barca or Madrid to put up 3-4 on a team in a stroll. All of the top scoring trios of the current era all include Messi, CR7, Benzema, or Neymar. And where were most of those goals? La Liga. both before Simeone and after him, teams had no choice but to park the bus.
What the fukk else are you supposed to do with a team that has MSN or BBC? The teams that didn't drop and defend got torn to shreds. Simeone had the personnel to actually make it work...the rest of La Liga...not so much.