Whats your beef with southerners?
Not so much all southerners, mostly just that middle england, union jack bunting hanging, Brittania rules the waves singing crowd from areas that have been financially funded while the north has been completely left to rot. People who have no idea what it's like to be from northern towns/cities that have had their industry stripped away and opportunity along with it.
Then they tell us 'be proud to be English/British'. You've never given back to places that helped build the country for you, in the last few decades it's been adapt or die and we've been left to die.
With that said, it's getting to the point with the north where everyone has started to vote Tory. They've let themselves be hoodwinked in to thinking the people who pretty much look down on them are going to help them because they've let the right-wing press play on their xenophobia/racism(fukk these northerners, obviously). It's a sorry state of affairs really.
fukk 'Britishness' or 'Englishness', regardless of whatever troll shyt i've posted on here in the past it's a sham, only for the privileged. Go live in a provincial northern town and tell me you're proud of being part of Britain.
Genuinely i've always related far more to and had more in common with Scottish/Irish people than i have people from middle england. I'm proud to be from where i'm from but i'm not proud to be English/British(and I haven't even mentioned the whole being the villains of the world with the empire etc etc)
Oh and the north is generally just a lot cooler music(Hip Hop aside)/football/popular culture wise.