The thing is, RDM is a bit more of a company man. AVB came in tried to change things, the old guard rebelled and just resembled one of those kids annoying his parents by laying on the floor with a limp body cause they didn't wanna do anything. RDM came in, put things right back to where they were, and all of a sudden hey we can play and win again!
Barca is Barca. So of course it's wrong but it's somewhat accurate.
Shakhtar been a favorite of mine or years, it's nice to see them play at full speed
Anrdinho, Bardozo, Cardinho, Danilo, Ewerthino, Fernandinho, Gazzainho (creative parents), Handelinho, Isaakinho, Jacobinho etc I don't know where they find these players but damn.
Barca is Barca. So of course it's wrong but it's somewhat accurate.
Shakhtar been a favorite of mine or years, it's nice to see them play at full speed