Essential The Official Football (Soccer) Thread - We are SO back, the Premier League returns!

Roadie pipeher

From the embers
May 1, 2012
like Trayvon Martin?

those people (not all white people, but scumbag :demonic: white people) see cats like Bill Cosby and President Obama as criminals. There is nothing we can do to change that viewpoint.

Walt had great line in relation to this...".... racism cannot be cured by assimilation, good behavior or sophistication, because it’s a fundamentally illogical disease of the heart and mind."


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
That's my thing here. I don't want to cure racism. That's stupid.

I want there to be a black community in this country. And I want it to be impossible to not be respected. Koreatowns and Little Havanas aren't assimilated. They're insular as shyt. They're self-owned. Self-efficient. They're the foundation upon which those people can stake something for themselves in this country. In a situation like this, I'd want to see that our community is one that self regulates.

Instead we're just going to stare white people in the face with tears in our eyes begging them to undo what they've done and try to completely ignore or make the same old tired excuses about the situations that lead to this sort of shyt.
i get what you are saying, but those people didnt come into this country the same way most of the people of African descent came into this country.


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
I'm sick of that too, tbh. When is it okay to get over slavery? I know what it caused, the type of shyt it imbued in us for generations. But when does the clock on "but slavery!" run up and it's no longer a valid excuse to explain why we don't even own the cheap ass corner stores, or even own the cheap ass houses in our cheap ass neighborhoods? Does slavery stop us from working a moderate 9-5 for some time, building solid credit, and taking out a loan to open up a sandwich shop in a part of town where peoples entire rent is in the hundreds? But there's nothing. Absolutely nothing. Black people hold steadfast and refuse to take any ownership in this country they fukking built, refuse to take any pride in a land where their ancestors blood is in the dirt. Stop looking for acknowledgement, fukk acknowledgement, and acceptance, stop looking to white people for some fukking pat on the back and a ticker tape "WE'RE SORRY, nikkaS!" parade, stop waiting for people not from your world your culture to decide that your world matters. That your rights matter. That your freedom matters. That your justice matters. Stop turning a blind eye to infractions just because they resulted in injustice.

Other immigrants weren't slaves but dammit they weren't shyt either. All they did was stick together and build. You know what picture I fukking love, and is the single most American picture in my eyes that has ever been taken? That picture of the Asians on top of the storefront with the rifles during the L.A. riots. If I was asian that'd bring a fukking tear to my eye. That these people had come to this country and played by the rules, made some of their own, got some shyt they believed were theirs and were ready to kill to protect it.

How different is the lasting narrative of Katrina if during the lootings black owned business bound together and swore on their lives to protect whatever they had left?

Being black in America can suck because there is no such thing as Black America.

And that's on us. Entirely.
you cant stick together and build when your family was sent thousands of miles away because master's dikk stopped jumping.

to think that we should just "get over" slavery as if that didnt happen, and the psychological damage to both whites and blacks didnt happen is silly at best.

Black people have to do better, but lets not just say this traumatic experience that lasted for 300 years, followed by another traumatic experience in the south which brought upon us disenfranchisement, murder, terrorism, and has now lead to our current prison industrial complex is something that can just be easily dismissed and put aside.

Its not something brehs just wake up in the morning and say, "oh cool, its all over. I guess you dont see me as a violent savage that will destroy your precious virgin white women if not checked." This shyt is ingrained in our psyche as a nation. I would love for the nation to sit down and air out its grievances on this matter, but it hasnt happen and wont happen. shyt like this is why.

No one -- well actually except the Toms who are happy with their government/corporate 9-5s and think that means they made it and dont want to rock the boat -- wants acceptance. We just want to be treated fairly.

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
stop looking to white people for some fukking pat on the back and a ticker tape "WE'RE SORRY, nikkaS!" parade
you mean that's canceled?

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
on some real shyt tho, every minority group needs to take ownership of something to gain respect, that is 100% true. the difference is that a lotta white people dont wanna leave black people alone and let them do it :why:

jews, italians, chinese and more all came here and got kicked around and disrespected, but eventually were left alone because the fear of them subsided (although fear of jews is #2 in this country, if we're honest, see higher learning if you dont believe me). that hasn't happened with black americans


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
on some real shyt tho, every minority group needs to take ownership of something to gain respect, that is 100% true. the difference is that a lotta white people dont wanna leave black people alone and let them do it :why:

jews, italians, chinese and more all came here and got kicked around and disrespected, but eventually were left alone because the fear of them subsided (although fear of jews is #2 in this country, if we're honest, see higher learning if you dont believe me). that hasn't happened with black americans
yeah, black people did ALL OF this. And did it all first.

And guess who came through and was like "Nope! :mjpls:"

I don't care about that either. Again, I could give a shyt about perceptions and what they lead to, all of that is only such a crippling issue because we as a community rely entirely on the perceptions of other cultures to get anywhere in this country because we don't own anything. Other races have come over and started from the bottom and built institutions. And I'm not even talking about huge multinations or whatever. But something as simple as fukking corner store sets a family up for generations. These other cultures just retreated within themselves, got on their grizzly, and created a few positive stereotypes to go along with the negative.
breh, this shyt happened and we were still messed with to the point these businesses had to end.

Along with the conditioning that "white is right," that black and white people have.

Again, I think that's stupid. That hasn't happened anywhere in the world. It won't happen. It's beyond a pipedream. Integration is as close as we'll get. Our president is black. Whatever semantics about being half or whatever what the fukk ever. He couldn't have been president 20, or 30, or 40 years ago. But he can be now? You know what that says to me? If you're just about your shyt, your quality as a human, as an individual, is irrefutable.
it happened in South Africa

It happened in Germany.

I am not saying it will solve anything, but we need to at least talk about it.

You said it yourself, and it's my whole thing. Black people just need to fukking do better. Before anything else, just do better. Yes there will be road blocks, of course there will be who wants to see their slice of the pie get smaller. But that's the game though. I just don't see enough of a drive from inside the black community that would cause anyone to look upon it and be like :obama:. I do think it's changing though. I think by the time your generation, and after that mine are in positions of power (40's) there absolutely will be something of a "new black".
:obama: is our president and he still get treated like he dont belong and is illegitimate. Think about that.

I honestly believe a turning point in the rise of any people is when they themselves give a giant collective :sitdown::camby: to the dredges of their community. And we absolutely aren't doing that. We're still trying to carry everyone to the finish line, excusing their worthlessness all the time for injustice when really these mawfukkas need to be thrown in the bushes. Cultural self-regulation. We gotta be strong enough to admit that a lot of these nikkas gotta go.
You mean pull a :what:?

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
@Don Rhymus did that cop that killed him approach mike brown directly as a response to the claims of him commiting a robbery...was that cop responding to that call? Was there a dispatch call on a robbery in that area?