Essential The Official Football (Soccer) Thread - We are SO back, the Premier League returns!

Yayo Toure

Mighty Man City
May 23, 2012

Where would he go?

Doubt many teams would be willing to meet Spurs asking price. His best chance at a trophy is going to be that Carabao cup final in April. Hopefully he shows up then since he didn't play today.

Roberto Firmino

Dec 7, 2015
Yes. They finished 7th iirc.

And I did predict this would happen before Liverpool even won anything :ld: But he broke the 30 year league drought.

Liverpool peaked in 2019.
Klopp doesn't like to rotate and kills the players. If you think it about it it isn't that different from Poch at Spurs and how they fell apart in the last year of his reign.

The hedge fund have played their part just like Levy did at Spurs not helping out their managers. But if the manager isn't rotating and burning the players out. There isn't really anything you can do.

Excuses tbh. Aren't Liverpool suppose to have the best recruitment team in the game? Liverpool are paying for previous seasons lack of rotation. This is the season where it all comes ahead.
You're being slightly disingenuous, 3 cbs out for the season, our 2 best midfielders then having to move back, depth for the front 3 in Jota goes down injured and even with all that we were top just a few weeks back, yes the wheels have fallen off spectacularly but there's just no comparison to his last season at Dortmund.

Yes burnout is a legitimate concern, yes rotation has been less than ideal but that's because the quality hasn't been there to allow it as you well know :ufdup:but neither of those has anything to do with what's happening now. VVD freak injury, guy's been made of steel, Pickford loosing his head and fukking him up has nothing to do with burnout or lack of rotation. Joel and Joe are a cert to be out for extended periods of time every season, that's nothing to do with burnout or lack of rotation and is where the real fukk up was made this season, for as much as I was unhappy with not getting in a cb in the summer, you can make Fab work as 4th choice but not with those 2 as your 2nd and 3rd choice, like I told you in the summer when we were discussing it, it was negligence pure and simple, it was guaranteed to happen.

I mean seriously, I know it's all bants and that but there's really no mystery or underlying reason due to Kloppo's methods here it's simple as fukk :dead: I'd like to see how any team in the league copes with having to play their 2 best midfielders at the back for any period of time it'll be an absolute shytshow, lets see city with KDB and Bernardo playing at cb, the mancs with Bruno and Pogba, Leicster with Ndidi and Maddison, etc and that's not even an excuse which I refuse to do because while you can't legislate for what happened to Virg the majority of this is self inflicted twice over and is exactly what we (looking at FSG mostly) deserve because 1) a cb should have been brought in over the summer after selling Dejan or he shouldn't have been sold, especially over Thiago, I don't care how little we had to pay upfront it was a luxury buy, didn't like it then, don't now, talk is that the original plan was we were expecting Barca to bid for Wijnadum and Thiago comes in to take his place with a net spend of 0 pretty much, I can get down with that but as soon as it became apparent no bid was going to be forthcoming then that should have been the end of that with us pleading poverty (Thiago gonna be just fine btw as much as I don't like it, you stick him in a 3 with Hendo and Fab or in a 4231 which I think was probably our plan to play quite a bit of this season he's gonna be fine, he ain't the problem) and 2) we had months before the window opened, somebody should have been lined up to come in on the 1st, I don't know if the plan was to always leave it til the last minute because FSG thought they could put the squeeze on or if these tight fukks who think they are the smartest guys in the room really were happy to plow on until Kloppo went public and Joel being out for the season forced their hand but either way it was criminal :scust: you had Caleta-Car available for 20m and if we had of made the bid with good time and given them time to find a replacement instead of waiting til the day before deadline day we would have had him, even if Kabak was the guy, you get him in early and settled then I don't think those last 2 goals happen today and we have a better January.

And for all the talk of Kloppo's final season, he managed to turn it around in the second half got them from 17th up to 7th, got them to the final of the DFB and all the underlying numbers say they were kind of unlucky to even be in that position in the first place, I think it's way overblown.

Breh them lot spent over half a billy on just their defense in the last 2/3 seasons, over 200m just on fullbacks and he's trying to tell you they spend better, you lost even trying to argue with that clown :scust:

Roberto Firmino

Dec 7, 2015
On today's match it's whatever really, Ali has lost his head at the worst time possible, 1st goal regardless of var (which I'm just not gonna complain about because it is what it is and it's just an excuse, it was shyt when City and the haters were bleating about it last season and it's shyt when I hear our lot do it this season, var ain't the problem it's the shyt English refs who's shytness just gets exposed even more with it), I think he should have done better anyway, 2nd goal is just unfortunate IF Ali made the shout, that kind of thing will get ironed out with more time and familiarity however if he didnt make the shout then that's all on Ali unfortunately, 3rd goal again more time with his teammates and in the system I think that line is probably held. I could only watch the first half so I don't know how he did in the second half but I thought Kabak looked decent enough and I'm pretty confident that if he allows us to have just one of Hendo or Fab in the midfield for the majority of the rest of the season then we finish in the Top 4 which is all we can really ask for at this stage, I have no concerns that it won't be normal service resumed come next season which is what you clowns should be really concerning yourself with :mjgrin: cause outside of the mancs I don't really see any real improvement or any gap being closed between us and City and the rest :patrice:

Roberto Firmino

Dec 7, 2015

B..b...but City didn't have Laporte last season.

Mad the way you've found your voice again :mjgrin:

Let's play a little game brehs :mjlit:

Let's go back to October the season is still young, at the start of the month Liverpool sit 5 points ahead of City who have a game in hand but they kick off the month going down 7-2 to Villa then lose Virgil for the season in a draw with Everton the next game, we end the month with the same points gap, City still with a game in hand but Liverpool with no Virgil and them playing each other after the break you'd be feeling pretty confident the league would be yours as a City fan no? Guess how many posts our resident City superfan made in October :patrice:


Let's move on to November, 1-1 draw between City and Liverpool to start the month, City lose to Spurs the next match, LIverpool thump Leicester before finishing the month drawing with Brighton while City give Burnley their usual 5 at the end of the month the gap sits at 6, City still with a game in hand, as a City fan your confidence would probably be dented but Liverpool aren't even top, have Gomez out now as well and you've seen your team go on runs you think you'll be there or thereabouts? Guess how many posts our resident City superfan made in November :patrice:

here's a fun fact, 10 of those were made in the first 27 days of the month, 6 came on the 28th or later which just so happens to be the same day Liverpool drew with Brighton :dead:

Anyway let's move on to December, tough month if you are a city fan, you have back-to-back draws in the Manchester derby and then against West Brom and Liverpool beat Spurs to go top at Christmas, gap is now 8 points with City still having a game in hand, you'd probably be feeling some type of way as a City fan, luckily Liverpool draw twice to end the month while City pick up 2 wins, gap is down to 7 with a game in hand, you possibly see some light at the end of the tunnel no? Guess how many posts our resident City superfan made in December :patrice:

here's a fun fact, 4 of those were made in the first 26 days of the month, 6 came on the 27th or later which coincidentally is the same day we drew with West Brom :bryan:

Things finally start to look up in a big way, Liverpool lose to Southampton to start the new year, drop a further 4 points in the next 2 while City go unbeaten all month and finish the month top 4 points ahead of Liverpool with a game in hand, as a City fan I guess you'd start to be feeling yourself again after a miserable campaign last season and seeing Liverpool struggling finally :jawalrus: Guess how many posts our resident City superfan made in January :patrice:


Which leads us to February, Liverpool's slump continues with a loss to Brighton, while City start the month wining their 9th straight and then beat Liverpool at Anfield. Guess how many posts our resident City superfan has made in the first 13 days of February :patrice:


You a shameless cowardly fakkit and everyone of us seen the bytch in you and the way that smoke and energy disappeared for months @Yayo Toure :scust::scust::scust:
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Roberto Firmino

Dec 7, 2015
And none of you need to address that and give him the out to pretend he has us all on ignore and can only tell what’s being said from replies :stopitslime: your eyes work, you seen it, he will see it, he will know you all seen it, he wanna respond then he gone have to grow some and come at man directly cause one person said it and one person only.