Where's his Statue though?
We've been winning for longer than a four year stretch, bruv. Mans not out here thirsting for icons.
Not to mention, I thought it was globally accepted that the statue was a nice idea, but Henry hardly cuts an imposing, or an iconic figure in an aesthetic sense, and thus the struggle to capture his essence in a moment frozen in time resulted in a grand scale debacle. Really, statue of man on his knees?
Can't be looking gallant or heroic or something
Look at its placing, is just in some empty spot, no taste or care for any sort of symbolic symbiotic relationship with its surroundings. Probably because there is no history in the post-post-modern public transport terminal ya'll call a stadium
THIS is a statue b
It's just
Just the man himself calling the good ole boys to arms and they do it all in the shadow of the only place they ever called home.