Roaden Polynice
My favored tactic when writing papers was I used to bullshyt for about a page and a half about whatever my topic was and I made it as funny as I could.
Teachers appreciate your humor and novelty over the traditional approaches, mainly because they're reading so many boring ass essays, they come upon yours suddenly you're the cock of the walk. You made them laugh, and that's about as valuable as you breaking down some bullshyt Sylvia Plath poem completely earnestly.
I remember I ranted about Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his harrowing opium addiction for about two pages in one essay I wrote, essentially saying that most writers today ain't shyt and how most people once waking up from epic benders would slink down to Chipotle while Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote one of the greatest poems in English literature after smoking himself to sleep.
Until I had to write a paper on The Day Of the Locust and ripped into the facade of Hollywood in present day and my English teacher wrote, "very funny paragraphs, but completely unnecessary" :ffs:
He's the one teacher it never worked on. fukker.
Teachers appreciate your humor and novelty over the traditional approaches, mainly because they're reading so many boring ass essays, they come upon yours suddenly you're the cock of the walk. You made them laugh, and that's about as valuable as you breaking down some bullshyt Sylvia Plath poem completely earnestly.
I remember I ranted about Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his harrowing opium addiction for about two pages in one essay I wrote, essentially saying that most writers today ain't shyt and how most people once waking up from epic benders would slink down to Chipotle while Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote one of the greatest poems in English literature after smoking himself to sleep.
Until I had to write a paper on The Day Of the Locust and ripped into the facade of Hollywood in present day and my English teacher wrote, "very funny paragraphs, but completely unnecessary" :ffs:
He's the one teacher it never worked on. fukker.
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