yesterday was a magical day for this football watcher
1. saw another masterclass by messi. not a barca fan, but gotta give the motherfukkers their due
that goal, well this poster put it best!!
Yo what the f*ck...
In this man's last match, a spaceship is going to land in the middle of the field, Messi will board if and give everyone the
face right before departing...
2. my beloved arsenal ripped a second a$$hole into villa.
it was a beautiful sight to witness wenger's vision executed the way the man's envisioned it!!
3. and lastly, my country namibia won the COSAFA cup last night.
i know no one on here will care about this one, but the drought has been real over here.
over close to 20 years with no cup or medal!
congrats to the boys!!