Rest In Power Kobe
Carlos Sanchez's fro :wowjb:
Just immaculate
Just immaculate
On a 6 hour drive and finally got around to listening to the sam smith album (thanks to yoyoyo for reminding me)
My days what a fuccing disappointment. The album is terrible besides stay with me and two other songs. I'm so annoyed i wasted my time listening to this album im not even going to put any effort into this post. Hes just a male jessie j, both over sing to compensate for not being able to deliver any real emotion through their voices...the album is boring and is kept at one slow plodding pace (really don't like albums that stay at one tempo throughout) and the lyrics are gash
But anyway, gooner mandem...i would not be suprised if we lose today
Nahh i fuccs with it...not saying its the greatest thing ever but i do like it. Whatever track 7 and 8 on the album are thoughStay With Me is pretty trash too