I didn't know china had rehab clinics for internet addiction
i'm watching a documentary on it atm
They consider an addict to be someone who spends 6hrs a day on the internet not doing work or studying
Tbh, by their standards, i'd be fucced and i'd imagine a large portion of the western world would be also
It's a pretty good documentary so far and i'm trying to respect the serious tone it has but i can't help but
at the kids parents bawling their eyes out during interventions with the kids making direct comparisons between heroin addiction and gaming addiction...one mum said she stood outside an internet cafe for hours on end waiting for her son to come out like it was a crack den or summit
Its bait the kids are clearly just some harmless nerds
Wait a minute, on second thoughts, a breh just said he gamed straight for 300hrs once whilst taking 20 mins every now and then
...they may be on something actually