OH YEEEEESAny more room available?
Time to up the Man Utd free daps thread
It's an easy No for me. The economic case for independence has been pretty thoroughly debunked at this point, not that it ever seemed particularly strong to begin with. Setting up a new petrostate in 2016 at least within the UK our exposure to volatility in any particular sector is diluted. Given our inability to predict the future, a bigger and more diverse economy >>>>> a small oil-dependent one.
Some don't care whether or not we'll be worse off economically, instead going with the whole "national identity" thing. Tbh I think it's a bit rich of Scots to want to escape the negative associations with Britishness. To hear some of them tell it, we're a nation of noble hostages who have suffered for centuries under the tyrannical yoke of Westminster. It's pure fantasy. Our lads were out there doing as much dirt as anyone during the Empire days and we've been deep in parliament from the year dot.
The argument of "but we sometimes get Tory governments that we didn't vote for" is nonsensical aswell. In an independent Scotland there would be regions that would end up with governments in Edinburgh that they didn't vote for, just the same. So would, say, Inverness have a case for independence from Scoland if they vote Labour but the SNP get in?
Overall, it's a pretty shyte idea tbh.
Well said
I cannae wait for this to end tbh, fooking sick and tired of having Nicola Sturgeon's face plastered all over my telly
I support the Scottish independence off the simple fact it will fukk the UK up
Some men just want to watch the world burn