Let’s just keep it real. A lot of white Brits feel aggrieved by kneeling and BLM. They see it as capitulating to a minority who are “eroding” and attacking their culture, with the statues being pulled down.
Even though it has been thoroughly explained that the kneeling is for racial equality, these right winged brexit zealots still see it as an affront to themselves.
Now they’ve got a black player in their crosshairs, he’s a proxy by which they can take their frustration out on. I can’t feel sorry for Zouma because a lot of these African French players be on that

I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s got a pawg/Algerian woman. They don’t see themselves as “black”. He’s a piece of shyt for abusing a cat but even more dumb for allowing himself to be filmed doing it.
This will not go away because footballers have been under heavy scrutiny these past few years, and with Mendy and Greenwood moving mad, this only adds to further public scrutiny of these players. West Ham really left him out to dry by playing him.