I' ll give u the trophies...but scoring wise he's gonna and has already wiped some records set by drogs. And since i got to see both my eyes tell me salah at his peak better player
shyt torres at his best was a better striker, rooney, obviously henry aguero
Among africans he will be top 5...but from what i saw salah got him beat.....maybe drogs suffered from switching coaches so often, but at the end of the day his goal scoring is poor relatively speaking.
Yea, he was big game player but thats just makes a him a better lukaku lol and clearly as a footballer he was technically more gifted player than he ever was. But some will believe that lukaku was better just based on stats lol far from true.
Goal scoring isnt the only thing makes a forward great but its a big part. That is why am basing it on output and overall game play..salah at his absolute best is up there with the big boys.
Besides there is more prestige when u a top liverpool player of all time than a chelsea all time great
salah had to beat out a lot of greats to make a top 11 pool list...some of drogs records will be beat REAL soon..crazy shyt mo aint done yet