Write-up of yesterday's fukkery:
Canboulay Weekend 2014 - Brooklyn Edition
As this surprisingly beautiful weekend comes to a close I feel like something needs to be addressed. As the title suggests I’m focusing on the events that took place surrounding
Scamboulay Canboulay. So if you’re neither West Indian nor a Brooklyn partygoer then you might not know what I’m talking about. So here goes…
"Ah wha d’ muddac*nt is dis, ah wha d’ muddac*nt is dis, Scamboulay take all meh money,Scamboulay take all meh money"
Without question this was a major, epic fail. there’s no way to downplay it. Like so many others I saw some type of nonsense happening ever since it was announced that the venue would change from Pulse 48 to Soca Village. For $40-80, I would not have expected so much problems for such a rather simple transaction. But the complete meltdown of what happened does not surprise me even in the slightest; as for the patrons who took Canboulay to the streets, I wholeheartedly agree with them.
I’m more surprised and baffled by the people who chastise them for taking such action.
Now keep in mind I personally did not see what happened this Sunday morning for Canboulay’s failed attempt at a resolution. But I did see both Instagram pictures, videos, and about 30-40 mins worth of a Facetime with a good friend.
What else did you expect to happen? You put people through all this hassle, postpone the party to the next day and then the actual event only lasts an hour and a half (give or take) instead of the scheduled 5-6 hours. And over half the people couldn’t even get in.
But to my main point: I noticed the people who basically blamed any future problems on the way people acted in the streets this morning were people who actually got inside the venue, indulge in Canboulay, and more-or-less got their money’s worth. Really?
I implore you to take the perspective of someone who couldn’t get in:
Like you, they were awake in the wee hours of the morning. Like you, they fully expected to get into the party and have fun. Only you got into the party, they did not. You post pictures from the inside of Canboulay, only to go home and criticize them for not getting in and for doing something with the time they wanted to spend partying. It comes across as the haves selfishly shaming the have-nots. I’m not gonna act like the
ONLY people partying in the streets were those who couldn’t get in; that would be both foolish and ignorant. But to blame these people for why there events in the future might potentially be in jeopardy is both wrong and a bit foolish.
Blame HyperActive Entertainment and Gorgelicious Entertainment for their horrible customer service, shotty business practices, and their complete disregard for accommodating their customers in an effective matter…otherwise known as
BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE!We need to quit placing blame on “black people.” Everyone did the same thing a few years ago when it came to the free Drake concert several years ago. But instead of placing blame on Paper Mag for the horrible way of handling things. They blame Black people
(in fact, mostly whites were the ones actin a fool).
As a friend of mine said “If you spent $50 on a MetroCard and went to use it, it said Insufficient Fare, your ass would be crying at the [Ticket Agent] booth.” Be happy these people didn’t riot in the streets. They have every right to be upset. It’s not fair to take these people’s money, mace them when they try to sell a ticket, or chastise them when they are just trying to get their money’s worth. I’m sick and tired of promoters who use shady tactics (in this case blatant nonsense) to take people’s money without providing proper service. If you got a ticket to the Beyoncé+Jay-Z On the Run tour and when you get there they said they already reached capacity, how would you feel?—-Some people would be quick to call them every name in the book—-but when it comes to our own they’re allowed to escape fault?
So in short: Brooklyn people can’t have nice things NOT because of what happened in the streets of Brooklyn this Sunday morning, but because the people who need to accept fault never take responsibility, and others willingly let them get away with their utter nonsense.
"We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves.” —Malcolm X