Finished the Trophy Kids. Never has a documentary so succinctly captured a group of people who have such utter disdain for their own lives.
My favorite were the tennis kids. The whole time they were looking at the camera like "This bytch

They were in the phase that you go through growing up where you consciously become aware of the fact that a lot of what your parents tell you (not all of it) is/was utter bullshyt.
Most awkward segments was with the football kid and his dad. You can tell that nikka listened to too much Drake, every single conversation he had tears welling up and his dad wasn't even really saying anything all that hurtful. I could see it being slightly intimidating but some things he said were some softballs. I hope his boo doesn't watch :avbehh:
Most egregious was the golf dad. I enjoyed how HBO kept the film rolling but accentuated his groans and cussing under his breath, then his whole spiel about making the kid believe in your dream. Is that shyt real life? It's one thing if you're so caught up in having your child succeed that you fail to recognize the absurdity of what you're doing, but to be cognizant of what you're doing while you're doing it just makes him seem overwhelmingly cretinous.
The slimy frosted tips breh got his comeuppance with his son only achieving D2. Enough said really, though it was slightly disheartening to see that that was alright with him, one last ditch effort at being shown in an OK light.