Rest In Power Kobe
the only game I play on my phone is solitare.
I like listening to music, but im good not going on the internet or twitter and the like.
But I do like having a smartphone for life stuff. Check movietimes on Fandango, pay for parking in DC with parkmobile and being reminded to pay my meter, using uber to get a taxi, podcats, groupons, evenbrite passes (good for the environment), directions when walking and driving, bank account, order chipotle, grocery lists and the like.
As well as with my running.
I like listening to music, but im good not going on the internet or twitter and the like.
But I do like having a smartphone for life stuff. Check movietimes on Fandango, pay for parking in DC with parkmobile and being reminded to pay my meter, using uber to get a taxi, podcats, groupons, evenbrite passes (good for the environment), directions when walking and driving, bank account, order chipotle, grocery lists and the like.
As well as with my running.

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