I’ll blame the Kroenke’s for the lack of direction but he cuts checks and stays out the way. This isn’t a Jerry Jones or James Dolan situation where they step on their people’s work. Failure to hire the right people is ultimately on them but they aren’t football people, so cut the checks is all I ask. The club has operated with a CL budget without CL football for four years. None of these American owners are actively involved with their clubs, maybe only John Henry and that’s because he’s trying to break the back of English football
I can’t excuse Edu and Arteta at all. They have all the power and have given me Willian, Mari, Luiz on mind boggling money, refused to sell 3/4 players. Running Saka into the ground, poor handling of Saliba, binning Voldemort without a replacement. I’ll blame the board for Voldemort’s situation but Arteta hasn’t shown me anything that says he can manage Arsenal Football Club
Look at all the non playing personnel upheaval, since 2018. Managers, CEO's, Department Heads all gone. And that not including whoever else who wore a suit who left pre Rona. Does that really look like a stable company to you? That kind of high ranking personnel turnover usually happens after a takeover not with a stable owner.
The poor communication with other clubs like ASSE & Atletico. The Kos fall out. Ramsey contract. I know I'm forgetting something else, where Arsenal either pissed off a club or a player.
Arteta has improved your defending. That game yesterday under Wenger last years or under Ebening you would of lost handily. We've all seen those away day beatings Arsenal have taken over the years to non top 6 teams. And also you aren't getting raped pillaged and plundered vs Liverpool and Citeh like you have been doing. Yeah the football is scrappy and un-entertaining but your squad is old and not good enough. We all know Iberian coaches are frauds and their football is very overrated.
Arsenal are basically on the same path as United post Fergie. Problem is Fergie got the shyt/past it players to perform. Those players who were at the club when Wenger was there didn't perform for him and those still at the club aren't performing now. Arteta might not be the answer, but it's a 3-4 year rebuild job regardless who takes over, it's no quick fix. Unless Big Stan falls bumps hits his head and goes on shopping spree like a Gulf Sheikh. Until you ship out majority of the under performers that you can, things aren't going to change. United hired 2 of the best coaches in the history of European Football and they couldn't change things around, yeah they won some silverware, but fans were still unhappy.
Arsenal football club is no longer that Arsenal with the Marble Halls. That's been stripped bare and auctioned off long time ago. That idea of the club is a distance memory.