Maze Runner is a film about a group of boys who find themselves trapped inside of an arena, surrounded by stone walls of a maze. None of the boys knows why they are there, or who they are really. They barely remember their names. All they know is the community that exists inside of the walls. This community is led by the first boy who was thrown in there, and there are specific groups assigned to specific tasks. They even have their own tribunal process for those who break the rules. And the rules are very important. Especially the rules about going into the maze. Only a select few are chosen to enter the maze. Maze "runners" go in to find a way out, the problem is, the maze always changes, and its a deadly job. Creatures called "Grievers" come out and chase and eat anyone who is still in the maze after dark. Until a boy named Thomas, who is brought into the arena. His desire to become a maze runner changes the order and fate of everything.
So, apparently this is was based on a YA book. I'm sure the book did a much better job of explaining things. I'm not going to lie, this film was very spell-binding and riveting for the first hour. The acting was really great and the story felt like half
Lord of the Flies and half
Aliens. And I was willing to suspend my need to know the back story and context of the situation because I was waiting for a big compelling rationale for why this was happening. That never came.
The reason for the maze and loss of memory was so unbelievable and silly, it made me feel like I'd been conned. And even before that dropped, I sensed the the movie was descending into absurdity. I won't get into why because I don't want to spoil it, but yeah, the explanation at the end was
. Additionally, there were too many inconsistencies and really contrived situations meant pull the heart strings and create false sentimentality.
I guess you can say I'm really disappointed. Very interesting premise and a solid first hour turned to shyt.
2 out of 5, for a great hour worth of entertainment from a 2 hour movie.