The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (May 12, 2023)


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
The internet apparently hates this game now and it’s weird.

It’s still a 10/10 game but there are some highly disappointing aspects about it in retrospect. For me..

  • They gassed the sky islands, they made it seem like it would be the main focus of the game and after you leave the tutorial area (which is dope as fukk) and land in hyrule you’re pretty much back to playing BoTW with ultra hand. The sky island stuff outside of the main dungeon is kind of barebones and ubisoft-ish. Filled with a lotof the same stuff and not even a lot of it
  • The depths were boring once you kind of figured out what it really was. It’s just an inverted map you’re lighting up with like 3 enemy types. Theres not much to do or see down there
  • They pretty much completely ignore the events Of BOTW, no guardians and no Sheika tech anywhere. Its jarring
  • The story was good but not how its told where every dungeon it feels like a retread on what you were just told because of how they let you do it in any order you want
None of that is that terrible, which is why it’s still a 10/10 for me but it also took like 7 years for them to make it. It feels like a retelling of BoTW not a sequel. Like Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Zelda