The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Switch/Wii U | Out Now

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Transcript from a French Interview: Rencontre avec Eiji Aonuma : Zelda Breath of the Wild, Nintendo Switch, VR, les joueurs...

In it we learn that they could've opted to include features exclusive to the Switch using HD Rumble but decided not to in order to be equal with Wii-U.

(00:26-01:55) He says that after the release of Skyward Sword, some players missed having an open overworld and that they would have liked to travel by themselves between the areas rather than going into the sky, and that's why they decided to have the huge overworld in BotW since the Wii U has better capabilities.

(02:21-03:45) It was very challenging to have such a huge overworld with enough interesting stuff to do so that the game doesn't feel empty, and that the development team worked together (rather than each working on their own part of the game) and played the game at the same time, before reaching the next stage of the game (so all of the programmers, designers, illustrators, and music team played the game at the same time).

(04:04-04:56) If the game was intended exclusively for the Switch (rather than both the Wii U and Switch), they would have benefited from the different capacities of the console, such as the HD vibrations. For example, you could try to see how many balls are hidden inside of the controller. But they wanted to have the same features for both the Wii U and Switch, and it wouldn't have been the same game otherwise, apart from the graphics.

(05:18-06:02) Aonuma still has plenty of ideas for more Zelda games, and there were elements that were put aside to save for later Zelda games. While he can't predict what the future will bring for later installments, BotW helped them to think outside the box.

(06:26-07:26) As for any elements that he would never want to bring into the series, while he hasn't told the development team, he doesn't want the games to become too gory. He doesn't want to have blood spraying, or heads blowing up because he feels it wouldn't bring anything new. He acknowledges that they create the battle scenes in Zelda games so that they have a positive impact, but it would be useless to make them more violent. He also doesn't want to be forced by the story to do something which would be illegal or immoral. The goal of every game is to have Link start off at the bottom, and then gradually become stronger and more competent, to be able to surpass all of the obstacles in the game.

(07:48-08:38) He doesn't know which incarnation of Link he is the most similar to, since Link is, in every game, pretty much a blank slate for the player to identify as. He's just someone who wants to do the right thing, but in the end, he is what the player makes of him.

(09:07-09:24) He isn't sure about making a virtual-reality Zelda game since the appeal of the games is to see Link evolve, and that wouldn't be the case in a VR game since it would be a first-person view.

(09:40-11:27) Aonuma recaps his childhood and why he decided to have BotW have an emphasis on nature: he was born in Nagano Prefecture, which was a very mountainous place. After he started to work, he wasn't able to explore nature that much anymore, and that's why he always wants to put elements of nature in his games. He also would go to the mountains on his motorcycle and see the Sea of Japan in the distance, and so he wanted to give that impression to the player in the game.

(11:59-12:58) After being asked what he thinks makes Nintendo games so easily recognisable, he says that it's that the games get to the point more quickly without having too many cinematic intros.

(13:21-15:46) He thinks that one thing that has changed about video games is that western video games used to be inferior to Japanese games, but now they are just as good, if not better, which made the bar of expectations go up. The challenge is to stay on, or above that bar of quality. So video games have changed in that they take less risks than they did before so as to not lose money. Since there are more video games on Smartphones nowadays, and people have less time to play video games, he hopes that Nintendo will still be popular among gamers for as long as possible.

(16:14-16:52) He says that there is more of an emphasis on Princess Zelda because he feels that she is just an important of a character as Link. To him, it is important that players could spend more time with her and get to know her better.

(17:46-18:18) When asked about how he motivates the development team to make a game that lives up to Ocarina of Time, he replies that when he talks about surpassing OoT, he means to say that most of the games that came after it have OoT as a very important element in its backstory, and BotW is a new universe in comparison, with a more revolutionary style of gameplay compared to OoT.

(18:45-19:37) He says that he hasn't dreamed about being in a Zelda game, but that he has dreamed about games that he has worked on. For example, when working on Majora's Mask, he had dreamed about something, then he told the director about it and it became a cutscene.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Now that most people are convinced this takes place in the Downfall Time, better theories are coming out to explain why alternate adult and child Link timelines exist. The best one is the Triforce Wish Theory that happens at the end of A Link to the Past, where Link wishes everyone back alive that Ganon and the evil wizard killed. This theory says that this timeline also prevents Ganon from defeating Link in the adult and child timelines of Ocarina of Time, which is what created those alternate timelines and reinfornces that the Downfall Timeline is the original timeline.


Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
This next interview is by the director Fujibayashi Hideyuro who also directed Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Four Swords and the Oracle series.

He kind of hints that there are surprises at the end of the maps which we have yet to see in any of the trailers and gameplay vids of the game.

Resource: 自由な行動と受け止めるフィールドが生む“掛け算の遊び”。『ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド』開発者インタビュー【Nintendo Switchインタビュー特集】 - ファミ通.com

● "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" director Mr. Fujibayashi Hideyuro(F)

⊙The release date was finally announced March 3rd. It has been a long time for a new Zelda game on home console since Skyward Sword(2011/118)

F: Yeah. It has been 5 years.

⊙Has the game been totally completed.

F: Sure. We are ready for shipping.

⊙The game has to be ready for sale almost right after it's been completed. How did it feel?

F: It's very satisfied that lots of my ideas could be realized in the game. I am also very excited that players can finally play this game.

⊙Let's change another subject. Tell us about the concept of BoTW this time.

F: Generally, the key point is "to review everything that we take for granted in LoZ". This is what Mr. Eiji Aonuma talked about in many places. This time I could explain this as the director. We prepared some consoles for players to experience gameplay. They were allowed to try lots of actions on the field. This is what LoZ series are about, allowing players to do various actions such as throwing, swinging, and pushing. This time however we added lots of gimmicks on the field corresponding to those actions. We called the kind of combination " the multiplication of playing", which is also the motif of this game. For example, when you see a location where you won't be able to get by any means. The process for you to think and try every mean to get there is sort of an application of "multiplication of playing".

⊙In the gameplay, we can see a cliff appeared early in the game. You can also fell big trees to make a bridge to get through the cliff.

F: Yes. You can do that.

⊙It feels like there are many solutions rather than one.

F: There may have been a "single road" to the LoZ games so far. But this time there will be a lot of solutions for one question. Including some we didn't even imagine during the development. Every time one solution was discovered, it surprised even the developers that you could do it this way.

⊙I see. So, the experiences of gameplay and the information sharing to others will be different from each individual.

F: During development, the staff often developed the game and at the same time test it. Even when we were doing the same scene test play, the the conversations were different. "I did it this way." "What? I did it that way!" So many times after knowing the way others did it, it felt like "Oh! I didn't came up with that. And this is the part I would like you all to experience.

⊙The concept "to review everything that we take for granted in LoZ". How did you judge how much it should be reviewed? After all, it would disappoint fans if too much of what we knew about Zelda were changed.

F: In fact we were exploring the borderline while developing the game. Through thinking about "what is a Zelda game should be", we were able to define a Zelda game to be a game with moments when you engage a dungeon, a question, the surrounding of unknown puzzles, and also the surprising moments when you finally solve them. After keeping those basic elements, we started some conversations such as: "Can't we play the way we used to play in the dungeons now on the field?" Or on the contrary: "It might also be interesting if we play the way we used to play on the field in the dungeons?" This is a kind of multiplication of playing I mentioned before. Players could get through a puzzle by method 1, method 2 or change method 3 into method 4, even completely different method A or B. It naturally differed a lot from other Zelda games. We just simply tried to change the "I am getting tired of another routine of Zelda" experiences. We considered why we're getting tired meanwhile thinking about how to make puzzles more interesting in another way. And these thoughts became part of the multiplication of playing experiences. I didn't set principles of changing. I just tried to convince the staff that it's possible for us to change the concept that "if we change something, it wouldn't be Zelda anymore".

⊙It seems that you not only changed the routines, but also got rid of the old frame of Zelda games.

F: Yes, you can say that we want to break the frame. With this idea, we have to create something different.

⊙Speaking of reviewing everything that we take for granted in LoZ, we can find such changes in Zelda games these years. For example, the stamina gauge apeared in Skyward Sword, and in Triforce 2 the items management didn't shown in numbers but gauges as well as in BoTW. This must also be the result of reviewing everything that we take for granted.

F: Of course, the know-how of the system which we have adopted so far has also been accumulated, we also know the advantages and disadvantages of each system, so there are also parts that I have referred to.

⊙I see. This time players are allowed to reach anywhere in the scenery. Are there ends in the map?

F: That is the best part of it. I think that it is better to actually play it and check whether there are ends or not.

⊙The map of the game is so enormous that there should be a lot of places to explore. Would it be very time-consuming.

F: You can ride horses and there are shrines for teleporting. But you are not able to teleport with a shrine before activating it.

⊙Can we just walk by foot through the whole game?

F: Of course. As the map is very wide. There are mountains, valleys and some places you just can't bypass. There are also places where are easy to arrive but horrible on the way back. This time whenever you pick a destination, you will face the choices such as "should I bypass it or climb over it?" No matter which way you take, you can get through it with skills that Link has learned. Once you choose to climb over it, the stamina will be very important. There have to be placed for you to rest and recover the stamina on the way climbing. Or you might think that this way seems impossible, I should take another way. You have to arrange the route by yourself. And with hang gliding, some places might be hard to get to, but easy to return. It's just like in real life. If you tried to get to somewhere, you had to think about it before you act.

⊙It seems that you would like players to think in different ways.

F: That's right. Zelda series might give people an impression of difficulty and maniac in the past. But I give you an example of the ax you can get early in the game. Axes are often used as weapons in games. However after considering what they are for in the first place, not only Japanese but everyone in the world can figure out what to do with them. What players figure out should be similar all over the world.

⊙Daily life ideas are useful in the game. By cooking and eating a meal, you can recover the heart and increase the stamina gauge.

F: The system of heart and stamina could be enhanced with food, and sometimes clothes. Or you can deal with it somehow by your actions.

⊙In the past, if players weren't able to defeat specific enemies, they might think " I must haven't get the necessary item yet." However it won't be that way in this game, right?

F: Right. Such enemies could be defeated in various methods. Players who are not good at actions now can explore different method to defeat them, and might even be able to knock them down cowardly.

⊙I am curious about what is the coward way. But in order to realize all the different methods, it must took lots of time on development. Did any unexpected bugs or something occur during the test?

F: They did happen. But they also created some interesting results in some cases, that we even allowed them to be part of the game rather than correcting them.
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Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
The physics engine is lending itself to GTA level fukkery. This dude made a see-saw.

I can see one using the 'golf minigame' in order to destroy enemies with boulders.



Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
I'm looking up items in this game.


Spirit Orbs are obtained by the Sheikah Monks after completing through their Shrine of Trials.[1] Once obtained, when Link finds the Old Man, he will trade it for another helpful item that aids Link for further purposes.

What does the old man need these shyts for?


Jan 1, 2014
The unknown
One of the IGN editor's casually mentioned that the game in TV mode isn't as smooth as he thought it would be, but also mentioned that the game wasn't built ground up for the Switch to begin with :hubie:

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
One of the IGN editor's casually mentioned that the game in TV mode isn't as smooth as he thought it would be, but also mentioned that the game wasn't built ground up for the Switch to begin with :hubie:
It'll still look better than Wii-U


Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
May 23, 2012
Cerulean Cave
damn it looks like this takes place in the same world as Ocarina of Time wtf

edit: God damn....this game's backstory is deep as fukk. Might have to get the Wii U version (since the Switch will be sold out everywhere)
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