The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | Switch/Wii U | Out Now

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
I found the Shrine where you have to bait the lighting to break open the shrine. There's another one in that same area, but I can't seem to find it. so I decided just follow Letty on her journey, but a damn Yiga clan member came out of nowhere and I tried to kill him too close to the edge of the bridge and fell. I tried to climb back to Letty and it started raining right away. beat the yiga clan member, and found a better route back to the spot where I was... Letty was gone. :mjcry:

Went back to Hateno village to dye my rubber pants the same colour as my rubber suit, and then bought a house.

:troll: fukk the Yiga clan. Gonna go back and find that damn shrine.
Who is Letty?

And yeah YIga clan annoying as fukk. Almost as annoying as swarms of bats and octorocks


May 9, 2014
Who is Letty?

And yeah YIga clan annoying as fukk. Almost as annoying as swarms of bats and octorocks

I think that's her name. She's a strong jawed girl who's just a random adventurer. I was gonna follow her to the village she said she wanted to go to, when the Yiga clan member stopped us.

I hate the Octorocks too.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Since The Champions' Ballad is confirmed to take place after the main story I might actually play it. Maybe it fleshes out a better ending.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
I think I need to beat the master trials several more times in normal mode before I attempt it in master mode

There's only two stages i fear:

In the beginning trial the three lizalfos on the bridge

And in the middle the lizalfos in the dark

Aint scared of no guardians and lynels they are predictable

Its those random ass fukking lizalfos that are a problem

Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
What are some tips for newcomers?


- Right now, as early as you can, start working on three crucial skills: a parry attack w/your shield (doesn't matter the strength), a flurry attack w/your sword and an air attack w/your bow. (Google/YT these.)

- If you're around Guardians and you haven't mastered a parry attack yet, shoot them in the eye a few times.

- With Hinoxes, you don't even have to get close to them. Climb up something (where you're out of reach) and just keep shooting it in the eye.

- While you're out, if you see someone just standing around doing nothing, avoid them. 9 times out of 10, it's a disguised member of the Yiga clan. Real villagers are walking around, interacting w/scenery, etc. When you get more powerful, you can fight them - for now, I wouldn't bother.


- Lots of underwater chests, so be sure to turn on Magnesis from time to time and scan the water. If you're not on land, use Cryonis to make ice pillars, get near the chests (they'll turn yellow if you can bring them up w/your magnet) and pull them up. If you can't use Magnesis, that means the chests are made of wood; use Cryonis to bring them up w/ice pillars.

- In the beginning w/your Korok seeds, you'll need only 2, 3, 4 to expand your inventory. I would do all these evenly (swords, shields, bows). When it suddenly jumps from 8 to 12 (or 17 or whatever), stop expanding your shields and focus on your swords and bows. You'll have 10 shield slots by then, which is plenty.

- Be sure to use your camera to take pics of the big bosses you fights (the four divines, Master Kohga, Ganon, etc.) You can buy virtually all of the pics for your album (which I recommend after you pay for your fairies and your house - after a while, it gets tedious taking pics of every bug, sword and enemy), but you can't buy the bosses until after you've beaten the game.

- You don't have to chase/stalk spotted horses to get them. Just shoot an enemy off a horse and it'll be tame. For solid color horses, I think you'll need a higher stamina wheel.


- When cooking, don't mix your powers; they'll just cancel each other out. In other words, if you put an attack ingredient in and then put in a defense ingredient, nothing happens.

- Don't cook raw gourmet meat for your own recipes. You can put five on a skewer, cook them and sell it for 490 rupees. Stick to raw meat or raw prime meat in recipes for yourself.

- Don't shoot squirrels. All you get is an acorn.

- Don't shoot steer. All you get is a single piece of raw prime meat.

- Coyotes are your best bet for raw gourmet meat. (Who knew?)

- Don't cook fairies. Let them replenish you for five hearts if you suddenly die.


- Use your bombs to cut down trees and kill fish. No need swimming around trying to catch them or breaking your weapons chopping trees.

- Gather up 100 pieces of wood. Blow up all the trees you can as you go along, especially if it's raining and you can't do much else. Another side quest is going to have this punk builder asking you over and over for bundles of wood, 100 in all.

- At night, cop a squat by a fire or get a hotel room until morning. Remember, you don't get XP points in this game, so there's little (if any) advantage to fighting enemies at night. Just avoid them until you get enough hearts and better weapons.

- Always make sure you have plenty of wood and flint in your inventory so you can make a fire to sit by if you're not by a stable or in a city.

- Don't think that just because you have a suit of armor that does a certain thing that you don't need elixirs anymore. For example, I have cold weather gear, but when fighting Lynels, my Barbarian gear is much better. It's better to have a heat elixir ready and change my armor instead of fighting in cold weather gear. (Hope that made sense.)


- If you didn't buy the DLC, buy the DLC. There are items there that will make your game so much easier. And if you do buy the DLC...

- Avoid the Fang and Bone shop, other than to do whatever quest is attached to it. You have to exchange your rupees for mon, which you can't spend anywhere else. The only thing I can think of that is of any merit is the Lynel mask, which is arguably a waste since you're going to have to fight the anyway. (You can buy all the other masks, but Majora's Mask does the same as all the others combined, plus it's free.)

- When you are buying other armors, don't bother buying all three sets (pants, top and headgear). Two is enough. You'll probably be wearing your climbing bandana all the time, so I suggest skipping the headgear and saving money.

- You're going to need a lot of money. A LOT. There's a side quest to build a house that, IIRC, costs about 3,000 total. The house isn't mandatory, but I strongly suggest you but it. Also, you're going to have to pay four great fairies - one 100, one 500, one 1,000 and one 10,000. If you want to be able to max your clothing out (up to four levels), you're going to have to pay all four. Save up all your jewels and sell them.

And in closing...
Never. Shoot. Cuccos. In. Any. Zelda. Games.

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May 2, 2012
Hard Mode not as bad as I thought. I can see why they powered up the Master Sword. Cause you'd be breaking all your damn weapons in Hard Mode.

Travel Medallion useful for farming dragon parts.

So I'm in 35 hours just bought my Switch maybe 2 weeks ago

I always love a challenge didn't know you had to have a the DLC for hard mode

I bought sniperclips instead :snoop:

Should I cop the dlc and start over or the game is challenging enough?

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
So I'm in 35 hours just bought my Switch maybe 2 weeks ago

I always love a challenge didn't know you had to have a the DLC for hard mode

I bought sniperclips instead :snoop:

Should I cop the dlc and start over or the game is challenging enough?
Challenging enough.

Master Mode should only be attempted after you've mastered stealth, melee combat, runes, bowmanship, critical thinking and the situational awareness that the game's physics and environmental variables require.

Cause if you're a noob and run into that white maned lynel equipped with bomb arrows with regenerating health in the STARTING AREA within 3 minutes of the gameyou will quit lol

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
- If you're around Guardians and you haven't mastered a parry attack yet, shoot them in the eye a few times.

- With Hinoxes, you don't even have to get close to them. Climb up something (where you're out of reach) and just keep shooting it in the eye.

- While you're out, if you see someone just standing around doing nothing, avoid them. 9 times out of 10, it's a disguised member of the Yiga clan. Real villagers are walking around, interacting w/scenery, etc. When you get more powerful, you can fight them - for now, I wouldn't bother.
shooting the eye is great but you're still wearing out the durability of your bow and you don't want your bow breaking midfight so instead of using a bow as a means strictly to kill, you should also use your bow as a means to stun and then follow up with a melee or rune attack. The reason being is that if you get accustomed to only stunning then attacking this Habit makes Master Mode easier because it prevent enemies from regenerating.

Another combat tip is lengthen your stamina meter so you can use a two handed charge attack and attack potion to swiftly kill enemies

Rune bombs and korok leaf combos are essential for conserving arrows instead. Kill stalfos, bats, octorocks, chus, wolves etc with rune bombs as much as possible. Not worth degrading your items on fodder.

Oh yeah i actually welcome killing yiga. They drop money and mighty bananas needed to create attack potions that you need for harder enemies
- In the beginning w/your Korok seeds, you'll need only 2, 3, 4 to expand your inventory. I would do all these evenly (swords, shields, bows). When it suddenly jumps from 8 to 12 (or 17 or whatever), stop expanding your shields and focus on your swords and bows. You'll have 10 shield slots by then, which is plenty.
sounds about right. Weapons > Bows > Shields. I expand weapons first since I only use bows to stun and conserve my bows for when I really need it.
- Be sure to use your camera to take pics of the big bosses you fights (the four divines, Master Kohga, Ganon, etc.) You can buy virtually all of the pics for your album (which I recommend after you pay for your fairies and your house - after a while, it gets tedious taking pics of every bug, sword and enemy), but you can't buy the bosses until after you've beaten the game.

- You don't have to chase/stalk spotted horses to get them. Just shoot an enemy off a horse and it'll be tame. For solid color horses, I think you'll need a higher stamina wheel.
hey man as soon as you leave great plateau, paraglide to a horse and head your ass straight to upland lindor, which is near those mushrooms in the northwest. You'll need to catch two or three of those horses. Best in the game.


- When cooking, don't mix your powers; they'll just cancel each other out. In other words, if you put an attack ingredient in and then put in a defense ingredient, nothing happens.

- Don't cook raw gourmet meat for your own recipes. You can put five on a skewer, cook them and sell it for 490 rupees. Stick to raw meat or raw prime meat in recipes for yourself.

- Don't shoot squirrels. All you get is an acorn.

- Don't shoot steer. All you get is a single piece of raw prime meat.

- Coyotes are your best bet for raw gourmet meat. (Who knew?)

- Don't cook fairies. Let them replenish you for five hearts if you suddenly die.
best way to hunt without wasting arrows is use sheikah suit. Sneak up then run up and rune bomb them. If you feeling gangsta Use speed potion to run up and slice them because your faster

Or on your horse, spear to the head

- Use your bombs to cut down trees and kill fish. No need swimming around trying to catch them or breaking your weapons chopping trees.
i have found that using the sheikah suit in water allows you to casually swim up to fish and capture them without them swimming away. Dope!!!!

- Gather up 100 pieces of wood. Blow up all the trees you can as you go along, especially if it's raining and you can't do much else. Another side quest is going to have this punk builder asking you over and over for bundles of wood, 100 in all.

- At night, cop a squat by a fire or get a hotel room until morning. Remember, you don't get XP points in this game, so there's little (if any) advantage to fighting enemies at night. Just avoid them until you get enough hearts and better weapons.
i agree except when it comes to sneaking up to shrines and towers. If they are asleep or looking the other away you can take some out with a powerful enough weapon in one hit

- Always make sure you have plenty of wood and flint in your inventory so you can make a fire to sit by if you're not by a stable or in a city.

- Don't think that just because you have a suit of armor that does a certain thing that you don't need elixirs anymore. For example, I have cold weather gear, but when fighting Lynels, my Barbarian gear is much better. It's better to have a heat elixir ready and change my armor instead of fighting in cold weather gear. (Hope that made sense.)


- If you didn't buy the DLC, buy the DLC. There are items there that will make your game so much easier. And if you do buy the DLC...

- Avoid the Fang and Bone shop, other than to do whatever quest is attached to it. You have to exchange your rupees for mon, which you can't spend anywhere else. The only thing I can think of that is of any merit is the Lynel mask, which is arguably a waste since you're going to have to fight the anyway. (You can buy all the other masks, but Majora's Mask does the same as all the others combined, plus it's free.)
yup fang and bone only good for the lynel mask

- When you are buying other armors, don't bother buying all three sets (pants, top and headgear). Two is enough. You'll probably be wearing your climbing bandana all the time, so I suggest skipping the headgear and saving money.
the first set of armor you should get is the entire sheikah suit. Sneaking around is a must when you don't have many hearts or great weapons. You neeeeeed this shyt on master mode!!!!! That and barbarian set
- You're going to need a lot of money. A LOT. There's a side quest to build a house that, IIRC, costs about 3,000 total. The house isn't mandatory, but I strongly suggest you but it. Also, you're going to have to pay four great fairies - one 100, one 500, one 1,000 and one 10,000. If you want to be able to max your clothing out (up to four levels), you're going to have to pay all four. Save up all your jewels and sell them.

And in closing...
Never. Shoot. Cuccos. In. Any. Zelda. Games.
For money he just needs to go hunting in tabantha or gerudo highlands
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Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
the first set of armor you should get is the entire sheikah suit. Sneaking around is a must when you don't have many hearts or great weapons. You neeeeeed this shyt on master mode!!!!! That and barbarian set

I was thinking more along the lines of in the beginning, but yes. The entire Sheikah suit is essential. I got the entire Zora suit, but I don't remember paying for it. Ditto for the climbing suit. Come to think of it, the only suit I think I ever bought was the Snowquill set, the Desert Voe set and the Ancient set (which I do recommend all three).

If you can catch 10 fireproof lizards (easy enough w/the Sheikah sensor), you don't have to buy the Flamebreaker Armor. (I got the headgear and boots - don't know why I got the headgear; other than being fireproof, it doesn't do much.) We could probably have an entire post dedicated to gear alone.

One thing I noticed about all the DLC armor is that it's useless, IMO. Even the Phantom Armor doesn't put a dent in my 4x Ancient gear. But that was hell to upgrade, so the Phantom Armor is a good start for free, I would say.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
I was thinking more along the lines of in the beginning, but yes. The entire Sheikah suit is essential. I got the entire Zora suit, but I don't remember paying for it. Ditto for the climbing suit. Come to think of it, the only suit I think I ever bought was the Snowquill set, the Desert Voe set and the Ancient set (which I do recommend all three).

If you can catch 10 fireproof lizards (easy enough w/the Sheikah sensor), you don't have to buy the Flamebreaker Armor. (I got the headgear and boots - don't know why I got the headgear; other than being fireproof, it doesn't do much.) We could probably have an entire post dedicated to gear alone.

One thing I noticed about all the DLC armor is that it's useless, IMO. Even the Phantom Armor doesn't put a dent in my 4x Ancient gear. But that was hell to upgrade, so the Phantom Armor is a good start for free, I would say.
Zora headgear is in a pond, torso from the king and leggings from the lynel safari mission.

The only DLC armor I can see myself using in Master Mode is Majora's Mask for getting through tight spots.

Pissed me off when I learned I couldn't upgrade any of them after hunting them shyts down though.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
I have 20 hearts and I still don't see gold enemies. Either I'm not killing enough enemies in Master Mode or its because I haven't fought any Divine Beasts yet. All I'm doing is beating shrines to get enough hearts to be comfortable in Trials of the Sword because I tried it with 13 hearts got my ass whooped and said fukk that shyt I need more hearts.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012


Maxine Shaw

#ColiFam gave more $ 2 my students than my school
Jan 10, 2014
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Checking in as one of the breh(ettes) who beat the game. I wanted to get to 100%, but *shrug* no need. 20 hearts, three stamina wheels, 98 shrines & 139 seeds...good enough. If I want to go for all the shrines and whatnot, let me waste that kind of time in (GULP!) Master Mode, where having a powered up Master Sword might mean something.

That Bow of kingdom to be able to hang onto THAT shyt.

The reward for filling the album w/all the pictures?
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Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Checking in as one of the breh(ettes) who beat the game. I wanted to get to 100%, but *shrug* no need. 20 hearts, three stamina wheels, 98 shrines & 139 seeds...good enough. If I want to go for all the shrines and whatnot, let me waste that kind of time in (GULP!) Master Mode, where having a powered up Master Sword might mean something.

That Bow of kingdom to be able to hang onto THAT shyt.

The reward for filling the album w/all the pictures?
We don't get rewarded for a lot of shyt lol