Last night, a few Sun-Times staffers went out for an after-work beverage to celebrate the completion of another compelling Satuday paper. As it often does, the conversation turned to baseball and how today's game doesn't stack up to the current incarnation of America's pastime.
Some good stories about yesteryear were tossed around, but somehow I failed to mention my favorite baseball legend of all time.
I first stumbled across the gem about a year ago and since have made it a point to bring it up as much as humanly possible.
It involves Hall of Fame third baseman Wade Boggs and a whole bunch of beer.
The dirty details after the jump.
Evidently, Boggs enjoyed putting down Miller Lites. Like, really enjoyed it.
I'm not kidding you Steve. Seriously. Wade was the kind of guy who was always the first one at the club house. So he'd get to the clubhouse, and he'd bring a six pack with him. He'd be there drinking a beer when someone showed up, and as we were all packing our stuff up out of our lockers and getting our bags ready for the trip, Wade would sit there and drink that whole six pack.
Now, at the time, we were flying out of New Jersey, so it was somewhat of a drive from Yankee stadium to the airport in New Jersey. Wade would drink another couple of beers on the bus to the airport. At the time, we were flying this older airplane, it couldn't make it across the country without refueling, and it wasn't the fastest airplane in the sky. So we would stop in North Dakota or something. Wade would drink about a half rack between New Jersey and North Dakota, and it would take about a half-hour to an hour to refuel once we got there, so he'd have a few more beers while we were grounded in North Dakota.
Once we got back up in the air, Wade would drink another 10, 11, 12 beers on the way out to the west coast. The whole flight from coast to coast ususally took us well over 7 hours. We'd touch down at Sea-Tac, hop on the bus headed to the Kingdome, and Wade would have another beer or two on the bus. Then, all of us would get to the Kingdome and unpack our bags and sit around and BS with each other, and Wade would have a beer in his hand the entire time. He was always one of the last people to leave the club house too. So I'd say that all in all, he drank over 50 beers on the trip, and this wasn't just an isolated incident, he did that almost every time.
It should be noted that Boggs said the number of tasty Miller Lites may have been inflated over the years.
The legend of Wade Boggs and a 64-beer road trip - Sports Pros(e)